Sunday, January 4, 2015

Oh, Yeah. It's 2015. Whoop.

Four days into the year, and already I'm both elated and bummed. Simultaneously.

One Best Year Ever Bonus was a walk through of Michael Hyatt's Evernote tracking mechanism. Evernote blogged about it, so you can access it for free. I learned a lot about using Evernote that I'd never taken the time to figure out in his brief video.  For instance, COMMAND-SHIFT-T produces a checkbox. And I can link notes to a main note (like an index page) and use the back arrow to return to the index page when I'm done making an update. And he taught us how to save searches to keep them handy. Way cooler for tracking goals than what I had set up in Things. Some of my Things set ups are good.  For instance, I can track my mindful eating efforts, then I can right-click and save that Things entry to my Day One app.

I'm made the "easy" fixes Tammy identified for PBOTL.  I've noted all three of your more major suggestions and am waiting for the rest of Tammy's response and one other before I decide the final path to take for PBOTL.

I've started HTRYN Lesson 1 for GEEKS.

Daily meditation and prayer is on track.  I'm not particularly pleased with the Prayer app I selected, mostly because I'm not sure if I'm using it right.  That's the problem with most apps -- if they aren't clearly intuitive, they can be tough to figure out, because, rarely, is there a user manual.

Looking at my credit card balances this month, it looks like I'll get out of my carry over problem in February instead of March as anticipated, and that warmed my heart. (I prefer to pay my balances in full each month, but sometimes I need to spread things out over a couple of months -- this has been one of those times.) Bills are paid or will be paid Monday after I make the rounds to City Hall and the Tax Office on Monday. Checking account is empty until February now.

I got one stationary bike ride in so far this year. My knee loosened up after the first five minutes.  That's why I need to do this daily. I'll need to head to the shop on week days to ride the bike and inventory glass.

Still trying to come up with short stories for Blackbirds Second Flight. Not feeling excited about short stories right now.

The Week Ahead: 
  • Finish GIMP class and work on three cover designs for A-Z books
  • GEEKS revision
  • Finish Joomla! migration videos
  • Begin looking at the book form problem with FM (the book form works fine now, but it doesn't work in Joomla! 3.  I have to solve that before we can migrate).
  • Inventory glass, select some to sell, ride recumbent bike
  • Natasha and Ajax need their shots on Friday
  • Go to ranch and retrieve game camera. Turn off deer feeder. Maybe cut tree off the motorhome.
  • Get the rest of the PLF lesson material downloaded
  • Continue working in Duolingo. I continue to be amazed that it can understand me on the verbal parts of the lessons. I continue to screw up tenses, plurals, and all other aspects of the Spanish language.  Some things are starting to sink in, though, so I'll keep repeating lessons until it becomes "easy."
Welcome to 2015. I'm grumpy, but I'm also feeling very blessed. Hope all is well with each of you.

1 comment:

Tammy Jones said...

Jean, I haven't done much of anything this past week, between being sick, holiday fatigue, etc. I've read to her first night in her house, and I'm back on it tonight or tomorrow. {{hugs}}

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