Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Miss my iMac

I'm still working on my on-the-cheap laptop. I take the iMac to the repair shop this afternoon. I'm grateful to have the backup computer in a world where most of the population doesn't have internet access, but dang, it complicates things. I finally plugged my ergonomic keyboard into the laptop so typing isn't the issue it was before.

I almost killed my garden over the weekend. I put the baby plants on the back step to harden off since I'll be planting in a couple weeks and forgot about them. I remembered at 3:30 yesterday morning and went right downstairs to bring them in. Everything was wilted and sad. Most of it has recovered nicely after being watered, but it was pitiful there for a while. I suspect the ones that didn't make it wouldn't have anyway, and I don't think I'll have a shortage of tomatoes and peppers in the garden this year. If I do, I have a flower shop and a hardware store in easy walking distance. There are perks to urban living.

My training is coming along. I walked 2 miles the other day on a hiking trail with my friend. If the weather clears today, I'm going to go walk it again. My Memorial Day goal is still in reach even though I've slacked the last couple of days. The weather has turned cool again, and nothing during the weekend went as planned.

Logging my food has been a revelation. I'm not sure why. It's not the first time I've done it. It's shown that some of the things I thought I was doing right were wrong, particularly with regard to eating out. I've started looking at restaurant nutrition sites again and have been surprised by calorie counts. Did you know the fajita veggies at Chili's are 300 calories? I don't know what they're doing to those poor peppers and onions to get the count that high. It's inspired me to eat at home more, that's for sure. Yesterday I couldn't even be bothered to go out for coffee before I went to pick Eric up from the train. If I brew it at home, I know there's nothing hidden that's going to sabotage me, and there aren't any yummy pastries to tempt me. It's paying off. I'm down a couple pounds. More importantly, Eric is starting to pay attention.

The day job is status quo. One of my original coworkers is leaving at the end of this week to start a new full time job. I'm happy for her. My college students start coming back this week so the timing couldn't be better. In a perfect world, we will have enough hours to go around for everyone, and when the college students leave again, it will be time for things to slow down and I won't have to hire anyone. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

That's about it. Nothing exciting, which is fine by me at this point.

1 comment:

Jean said...

I hope the iMac repair is an easy fix.

Glad you got your garden revived.

Keep envisioning that day job scenario.

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