Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The garden is in and mostly healthy. I have a a few plants that look sad and puny, but the rest should do well. Looking forward to having a good harvest. Of course, by September I'll be ready to yank them out by the roots. :-)

I got the flowers for the front porch potted, too, and we cleaned out the front flower bed and pruned the bushes and roses, so that's yard work done for a while.

The day job is not without its challenges but overall things are going well. I'll just say I have a coworker who may end up dead in a story sometime soon and leave it at that.

Alex is away for a few days to clear out his college apartment, so it will be quiet around here for a bit, and I won't wake up to a dirty kitchen. There are challenges to him working nights. He usually sleeps until 8 or 9 p.m., cooks food to take to work, and leaves pans soaking on the stove. If the dishwasher is clean, the dishes get piled up on the counters. Sometimes that happens when it's dirty. I'm not a diligent housekeeper, but it's getting old. The only really bad part about him being gone is he took our truck to move stuff. The weather is lovely and we have no sun roof! *sobs*

I heard a story on NPR yesterday about some scientists who are considering genetically modifying the breeds of mosquitoes that carry disease. In North America, there are only two. The plan is to breed a whole crapload of sterile males, enough to make it statistically probable that most females will breed with them and not produce offspring. Essentially, they're talking about driving two species into extinction on purpose. They said those two species won't effect the ecosystem because the predators that eat them will just eat other things. And really, what could go wrong? Oh, the plot bunnies. Good thing, too. I haven't written in days. Walter needs something new to play with.

Oh! Mac update! It was an easy fix. The boot file got corrupted. They reloaded it and I had my computer back two hours after I dropped it off. I have a new favorite Apple dealer, and they're 2 miles from my house. Score!!!!

1 comment:

SBB said...

Wish I had room for a garden. They're work, but food you grow yourself has better taste, I think.

There is a famous science fiction short story "The Screwfly Solution," which touches on those themes, Wendy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Screwfly_Solution

A terrifying story.

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