Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Long days, short nights

Been having some long days lately. A friend's mother has been in the hospital, and I've been going out there to be with her and her daughter. First, the doctors planned a surgery, then they postponed it, then it was back on, and now it seems off again. She's still in the hospital. I'm going to go out tomorrow again. It's hard to confront mortality for anyone.

And I've been fighting with insomnia again. Can't seem to sleep as much as I need to. Not sure I could sleep as much as I want to. Cats have that ability: to nap at a moment's notice. They find a warm sunbeam and stretch out and they're asleep. I admire cats for that. Although I've seen dogs do it, too.

Not much writing is taking place. I'm going to try to shoehorn some in tomorrow. I need to finish the Justina Grave story and fix its errors, help edit a friend's story, and edit another friend's story. This all has to take place in June so that Blackbirds Third Flight can take to sky in October.

Jean has been using a new organization method: the Bullet Journal. Or some aspects of it. I need to adopt a system that will help keep me on course. I like parts of the Bullet Journal, but it seems a lot of work to keep up. I don't want to spend more time than I have to on that aspect of productivity. But maybe spending the time would pay off in increases. I will look into it. And also, I need to clone a healthier, stronger, younger version of me who can do things while I sleep. Surely one of my mad scientist friends have been working on something I can use.

Anyway, that's what's going on my life. Yours?


Wendy said...

I looked at one bullet journaling blog. I like the concept and have everything here already (if I can find it all) to start doing that today but they way they did it seemed high maintenance. All the symbols! I'd need a cheat sheet. Maybe a modified version is what I need to feel like I have some control, though. I've leaned more toward electronic versions in the last few years because they sync between my devices. I don't have to remember where I put my journal, or if I do remember, it's almost always on the wrong floor. There's a lot to be said for pen and paper, though. There's also a lot to be said for blanket forts and scotch, together or on their own.

Jean said...

I think the key is to experiment and discover what works best for you. Check out Shannon Stacey's blog about her journey to discovering what works for her. http://shannonstacey.com/2016/05/how-i-bullet-journal-in-a-travelers-notebook/

I like a couple of those symbols, and they are intuitive enough that I'll probably remember them. I got the natural version of Shannon's Webster's Pages journal -- only because I couldn't tell if some of the others would do what she described, and I was implementing the Moleskine and Yellow Paper House inserts, so I wanted to make sure they would work.

I bought three pack of Moleskine lined, quad, and plain notebooks. I bought the blank month at a glance (Sunday start) and the Coloring Book Volume 1 from Yellow Paper House.

I'm incorporating the things I absolutely love about my Tools4Wisdom planner into this journal, which is more flexible.

I still love the electronic aspects for the same reason you do, Wendy -- it syncs across all my devices, so everything is current no matter what device I'm working on.

Tammy Jones said...

Oh, Stephen, I hear you on the support/insomnia/writing shoehorning. {{hugs}}

I just started a bullet journal, too! (last night, in fact) Picked up an inexpensive graph paper composition book at WalMart a couple of days ago and decided to give it a go. If it works, I'll get a nicer one at the bookstore or office max.

Of course I boogered up the index when I started setting things up last night, but no one's gonna see it but me. Leaving it... scribbly (we'll go with that) kind of irritates my OCD, but I'll be okay. Or I'll rip it all out and start over fresh. But that would mean wasting perfectly good paper, and I can't do that. ;)

As for everything else, I feel like I'm scrambling. Bill's dad has two bone lesions and he's having surgery tomorrow to take out a piece of his skull for a biopsy. The other's in his spine and while none of his four doctors have been very forthcoming with potential diagnoses, we're still quite worried. Anyway, I'm spending today prepping for the three of us - Bill, me, and Munchkin - to have a potentially extended stay in Des Moines. I'm packing for five days, figuring I can do laundry if it runs longer. Hopefully the biopsy will show nothing too exciting, but, again, we're all really worried.

Writing is writing. I've made some progress on Berkeley's story, but my time's been really limited. My new writing group through the Fort Dodge Library has been a godsend. I have to create time to critique, which is GREAT for my wriitng state of mind, and also to work on my own stuff since I'm regularly up for critique. I'm scheduled to be the September Novel for full critique, which means I have to get it done by mid August so everyone can get it with plenty of time to read.

Mostly things are good, personally, just a lot of scrambling. Just this morning I had tax forms to fill out for WorldCon in August, since I have to have a sales tax permit to sell books in the dealers' room. Whee!


Wendy said...

When you talk to Jennifer again, let her know I'm praying for her family, please. Hang in there.

Tammy, please keep us posted. Health issues are scary, especially when they're not yours. I just re-read it. The first time I wasn't fully caffeinated and missed the "dad" after Bill's, so of course I thought it was Bill that has the lesions. *smh* Details should be my friend...

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