Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I saw the doctor yesterday. She adjusted my meds and sent me for bloodwork. It all came back normal except my vitamin D level, which was about half of normal. I'll be on a weekly megadose of vitamin D for three months, and then I get to have my blood tested again. I also discovered my bathroom scale has been lying to me. It says I weigh five pounds less than the doctor's. At my current weight, I have about one pound before I go from a healthy body mass index to overweight. It's not a huge deal (no pun intended) but it is something I need to start getting serious about. It's not going to get better on its own, and obesity runs in my family.

I have adjusted my exercise goal. Adding a day of exercise once a quarter will not be enough, so the new goal is at least ten minutes a day, 5 days a week, either at home or at the gym. I have a new Pilates DVD which will help with that. The core workout is right at ten minutes, and there are more that I can add to it. I'll start with that and see what happens.


Jean said...

Interestingly, when I looked up "Vitamin D Deficiency" symptoms, the first one listed was depression.

Tammy Jones said...

Congrats on the good news! My doc put me on Vitamin D and Calcium last fall and it *does* seem to help. {{{huggs}}}

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