Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tam's weeks eighteen and nineteen

Life is, well, life. :)

The Good Stuff:
  • Enjoyed my scheduled sew day
  • Down about 2.5 lbs. Ish. It's fluctuating daily, but seems to hover around that point.
  • Kittens have eyes and ears open. They're fat, fluffy and gorgeous. Anyone want a kitty? ;)
  • Have polished SPORE through chapter five and it's off to pre-readers. I've written and proofread chapter six, but it's not polished. Starting on chapter seven tonight. With luck.
  • Been prepping for our community wide yard sale next weekend.
  • Scrubbed and rearranged two of the three 'living rooms' downstairs (actually the office room and the TV room, they got switched) The house seems much larger and more open. Less cluttered. I like it!
  • Lots of good couple-time with Bill. We're both making a point to get out of the house and do things together, and it's nice. 
  • Much quality granddaughter time!
Not So Good:
  • Still feel like crap. Tired, listless, achy, kinda melancholy.
  • Politics suck. I've pretty much decided to stay off news sites and just ignore the whole thing. I already know who I'm voting for - fwiw, it's neither of the two party choices - so, eh, screw it.
  • I spend too much time online. Still. Must cut back more.
  • House is a bit of a mess, between prepping for the yard sale and rearranging most of the downstairs, all the extra stuff is kinda piled up in the kitchen and my sewing room. Not liking that much, but I have made some progress.
  • Have not exercised at all for almost 2 weeks. No time, no energy.
  • I will likely not have anything decent to put in the guild's annual quilt show. I'm simply not sewing anything worth showing.
  • SPORE is behind schedule. I find myself far too likely to become distracted by tv/internet/family/sleep than to be able to focus on the book
  • Stopped taking my prescription antihistamine/sleep aid because I am tired of feeling tired and dopey all the time.
for Next Week:
  • Eat right
  • Exercise
  • Write
  • Not be so blue 
Have a good week, everyone.  {{huggs}}


Wendy said...

I'm on a politics avoidance kick, too. I'd be interested in who you're looking at to vote for, though, because I don't see any improvement in the future regardless of which major party candidate is elected.

Please don't go too long with the tired/listless/achy/melancholy. See the doctor if it doesn't get better. That list of symptoms troubles me. Then again, don't you have backwards SAD? Worse in the summer than the winter?

Tammy Jones said...

Yeah, I do have the reverse SAD - at least I think I do, no doc has ever agreed with me. I'm generally *much* happier in the winter for lots o reasons, most related to VERY pale skin, sun aversion, and trouble with bloating when it gets hot outside.

Honestly, Wendy, my problem is isolation more than anything, coupled with conflict. Bill and I are not agreeing on political matters *at all*, and we're both rather passionate about our positions. That's fine, but I do not like arguing and it leaves me tense and irritable. Since I'm alone with an infant and stuck at home almost all day almost every day, and the only person I actually see and/or talk to seems to want to pick apart my opinions and explain how I'm wrong, it's just... draining. If I can get out to the quilt shop for a while, or see a friend or whatever (which, frankly is why I have so many problems stepping away from social media, I crave the interaction) I feel a lot better.

Plus I'm peri-menopausal, fat, almost 48, keeping hours that are unnatural to me, and finding little time, energy, or focus for creative tasks, it's all compounding together. Mostly it's isolation, boredom, and stress. Everything else just adds fuel and I know from many, many attempts at using mood enhancing medications, they do not work for me. They never have, and my side effects are awful and consistently non-standard. Frankly, I'd rather feel like this than go on the happy pills again. Truly. My brain issues aren't chemical, they're learned behaviors. The way for me to fix them is to alter my behavior and I can't really *do* that right now. I'm pretty much stuck waiting this out whether I like it or not.

As for my political choices, I caucused for Jon Huntsman even though he wasn't running in Iowa, and this fall - unless something utterly unexpected happens that will change my mind - I am writing in Ron Paul. I don't agree with all of his positions - and some of them I find a bit kooky - but I believe that he will do his absolute BEST to clear the crap out of our policies and politics, sincerely try to streamline government, and put the Constitution back into power. I know that his chances of getting elected are quite slim, but I can't in good conscience vote for either of the chosen candidates. It'll just be more of the same crap that got us into this mess. We need someone who will clean house and do the right - even if politically unpopular - thing and get us moving forward again.

Fwiw, I consider myself a political centrist (my husband likes to call me a liberal since he's very conservative and it pisses me off, lol) but the past three presidencies have continually nudged me more and more toward Libertarian. I'm not all the way there yet - I believe the gov't should do *some* things, but certainly not *everything* - but if either of the main candidates get elected this fall, I'll move closer 'up' to Libertarian. Again.

Shrug. That's my current opinion, anyway.

Jean said...

Have you looked at Gary Johnson, Tam? If you have, that's fine. Just making sure you're aware of another viable option.

Wendy said...

So if Bill is conservative, who is he favoring? Cause neither Obama nor Romney are conservative.

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