Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good Stuff:
- Worked on gardening a little bit and helped Eric mow the lawn.
- Raised my rain barrels so I can get my watering can under the spigots easier. I have one full; the other will fill when it rains again.
- Went to see Jeremy Camp and Francesca Battistelli (Christian singers) in concert with a friend. It was fun to hear the songs I hear on the radio live. It would have been better if the people in front of me hadn't felt the need to stand through half the concert. They were taller than me, too.
- Started getting a handle on my eating. I've been eating WAY too much bread, so I'm trying to cut it way back. Luckily my lettuce is ready to start eating, so I can do lettuce wraps.
- Got my air ducts clean. That one was really just a matter of hanging around the house while the guy worked.
- Swam three times. It would have been four if the duct guy had been on time. Maybe next week.
- Drank a lot of water. My kidneys should be squeaky clean by now.
- Wrote 10,927 words.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Only wrote 10,927 words. I know, you're all rolling your eyes, but I feel like this project is stretching itself out and I'm not ever going to get it done. It's been super hard not to compare myself to other writers (yes, pros) who write 5,000+ words a day without breaking a sweat. I need to have this book done and polished so I can pitch it in August, and I feel like I'm slogging through waist deep mud. And no, I don't think this is Katie Murphy's Writer's Event Horizon. I'm not close enough to the end yet.
- The routine I'm getting into isn't helping me keep track of days. I have to remind myself repeatedly what day it is. Appointment alarms on my phone have been essential lately.
- I've washed my hands and can't do a thing with them. Seriously, I'm going to wear out the backspace key.
- I'm still struggling with balance, especially with my self-imposed deadline looming. I have managed to keep up on what is essential. I'm just feeling like everyone else does it so much easier and faster and more efficiently than I do.

This Week:
- Cut myself a little slack.
- Try not to panic if it looks like the draft won't be done before I leave. We'll have three drivers on this trip. If push comes to shove, I can take my earbuds and write in the car. Aunt Shirley loves to drive.
- Swim at least three times. Shoot for four.
- Limit bread to no more than 2 slices a day.


Jean said...

I was thinking you needed to cut yourself a little slack, too. It sounds like an overall good week.

Wendy said...

I took all of saturdayand a big chunk of Sunday off. Got some research for the next section and a few words done and went to bed beating myself up. As I was allying asleep, it dawned on me that if I had started a full time job away from home, thee would be a learning curve even if it was administrative. Why would I think this would be different?

This morning, the Our Daily Bread devotional and some stuff on Facebook spoke to me. Wait for God. Don't run ahead. If it's ready to pitch in August, go pitch it. If its close, go pitch it. If it isn't, stay home, save the money for the next conference. Chip McGregor does way more than 1 conference a year.

Jean said...

Wise becoming you are. (My best Yoga impression.)

Jean said...

Sigh. YODA.

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