Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hoping for Rain in July

Yes.  How silly is that?  To be hoping for rain in July. In Texas.  But the forecasters are teasing us with outrageous predictions of up to forty and fifty percent chances of rain.  How can we not be enticed into believing it could happen?

The Good Stuff:

- The younger daughter drove up from Austin to spend yesterday afternoon and this morning with us.  We enjoyed seeing her and spending time together.  Tarzan refused to make an appearance even though we did catch a glimpse of him briefly yesterday evening after we went to bed.  Ajax was jumpy.  Lady and Natasha soaked up the attention younger daughter was thrilled to provide (she lost her last kitty almost a year ago, and she misses kitties).  Natasha was remarkably relaxed and enjoyed her attentions the most.
- Enjoyed Fourth of July celebrations with friends at their annual family (and a few friends) gathering.
- Making good progress on the west wall. Nearly ready to begin priming the wall.
- Still tracking on WW (skipped a couple of days, but am back at it); weight is down a couple of pounds.
- More grass sprigs transplanted and watered.  In our brief time in SA, I managed to get the yard mowed and watered, which probably saved a bit of grass that may not have made it until this week. Grass mowed and watered here in Central TX as well.  Used soaker hoses to shore up some dry spots and watered the garage foundation.
- Step 1 of Anti-inflammatory is embraced. 
- Blog posts are going well.

The Not So Good Stuff:

- Very little work done on PBOTL -- maybe a paragraph or two
- For some inexplicable reason, my lower back is bothering me.  Will these little aches and pains never go away? (I know that answer to that.  I don't like it.)
- Menu planning came out so-so.  More on the fly than I would like.  Still have to work through this week.
- I didn't really determine what my next dietary steps should be.

The Week Ahead:

- I think Step 2 will be making sure to keep snacking on fresh fruits and look for more ways to eat other than red meat.
- Slog a little more on PBOTL -- take it to SA with me.
- Make some time for a serious evaluation of the dietary plan.  I think even the rudimentary changes I've made to date have had a positive effect. I ordered some unsalted mixed nuts, which cost more, but without the salt, it's easier not to overeat.
- Transition back to SA for a couple of weeks and more intense yard work.
- Remember to get driver license renewed on this trip back to SA.


SBB said...

We got a little rain yesterday, which was a real surprise. And congrats on the weight loss and blogging!

Jean said...

Lower back pain is particularly debilitating. We saw walkers at yard sales on Saturday. Why didn't I pick one up? Walker. Crutches. Something. I'm incrementally better this morning, but oh my. This is no fun.

It's unbelievable how much your legs hurt from doing what your lower back is unwilling to do.

SBB said...

I have a walker and a cane for when my back goes bad. I haven't had to use them in a while, thank God. I think the exercise and weight loss have helped. I also baby it whenever it aches. The Icy Hot back patches really help me. Also, Advil.

Jean said...

That reminds me, we have a cane in the garage. I might need to bring it inside just in case.

I took an Aleve last night and this morning. I am able to move a little better this afternoon. Hubby helped me carry the trash can to the side of the road this morning. I rinsed and put dishes in the dishwasher this morning, put a load of clothes in the washer, and sat at the computer for a little while. Then I went back to bed. I dozed for about an hour, then did some reading and web surfing on the iPad. I've tried to do some light stretching to get the back relaxed. The Sleep Number bed has been adjusted from 40-80 to keep me comfortable. I fill to 100 to help me get out of it. I hope to be reasonably mobile by tomorrow.

We're getting a little rain right now, but I don't think it will amount to much.

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