Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Hot!

Why, yes.  It's July, and it's the south.  No. I'm not surprised that it's hot. Actually, we've had good rain one day each of the last two weeks, so I'm feeling truly blessed.

The Good Stuff:
- We've accomplished a ton of work in the back yard this week.  It's looking better and better, even though we still have a lot to do.
- I began using this week kind of as a project management tool.  I think it's primary benefit (which I can't use it for) is on-line collaboration for projects.  I use Things for recurring tasks and someday maybe projects as a placeholder and Easy Note for things like grocery lists and similar things. But I was looking for an easy project management piece, and this (maybe because it's new) seems to fit the bill.
- I siphoned the extra water out of the hot tub, but when I opened the lid, I saw a bundle of ball bearings in the lounger.  A glance to the right indicated a rotator jet had popped off.  I rescued the ball bearings and the jet, but I'm not sure what it's going to take to repair that. Eleven years and this is the first true problem we have with it.
- I got the hair cut, the driver license renewed, and the new truck sticker.  The 4 wheel alignment is scheduled for Monday morning.
- I decided Stephen was right and I was just making excuses to not work on PBOTL, so I put myself back on task.  I did a little work this will and will plug away.  I'm bogged down in writing a party right now, and I haven't felt very party-like.  Sigh.
- I was down a couple of pounds this week. I didn't track, but I ate pretty well.

The Not So Good Stuff:
- I think Stephen's Black Dog had puppies and sent one down here. No, it's not quite that bad, but I'm fighting off a nagging bad mood.

The Week Ahead:

- Be ready to help hubby if he's ready to do the under the house task this week.  He's been procrastinating on it forever, and it's the first step in the bathroom renovation that must be done.
- Make sure we get peaches in Fredricksburg this week.
- Hike the swap meet
- Mow lawn and tackle the inner side yard taming. Continue weeding in the back yard. Remove a few more tree limbs.  Maybe remove the drooping limb from the live oak in the front yard.

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