Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wendy's Week, the second toasty version

The game is afoot. The Boys arrived yesterday and, as usual, it's like we have been together all along. I treasure friends like that.

Good Stuff:
- Swam 4 times. Came to the conclusion that the days I don't feel like swimming are the ones I need to swim longer than usual.
- Finished the housework about mid-day Friday. That's got to be some kind of record.
- Vicky made chocolate chip cookies Friday afternoon. I didn't get mad at her when the cookie dishes were still on the counter Friday evening when Chad arrived. It's not like he hasn't seen my house at its worst!
- Wrote a little over 4,000 words. I thought, earlier in the week, that it was more, but I was counting part of one day's words twice. Hate when that happens!
- I'm down to a half dose of ADD meds. There have been a few instances of zoning out, mostly when I'm thinking through a scene, but overall I'm not noticing any more lack of focus than I had on a full dose. The zoning out has also occurred during my off-peak times, which makes it less worrisome.
- My friend in CO Springs who had to evacuate during the Waldo Canyon fire found out her home is safe. They had some smoke damage so they're not moved back in, but it's a step in the right direction. She's contacting restoration experts and calling it research.
- Alex is home for a few weeks. Vicky delayed moving in with her boyfriend until next week. In two weeks, Alex and I will begin repainting the upstairs bathroom--the one Vicky painted red. We call it the Manson Family Bathroom.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Oddly, I got nothing. There are things I'm not happy with (potential weight gain this week, the ever present allergies, writing productivity, Vicky moving in with the BF), but I'm aware of them and doing what I can. Going over them yet again will only frustrate us all.
- It's ridiculously hot, as I'm sure it is where you live. Can't do a thing about that except stay inside as much as possible.

This week:
- Enjoy my time with the Boys and my kids. See some movies, hang out, pick on each other.

Hope you all have as good a week as I'm going to.


Jean said...

I'm glad your friend in CO has a house to return to. With the smoke damage, they must have come pretty close to losing it.

My friend who is PCSing there made it and is in their new home now with apparently everything okay. My cousin and her husband were in town last week buying a home in preparation for moving there. They are safely back in Germany. It sounds as if their new home will also be safe.

You sound mellow. Yay for that. Have a great time with the Boys.

SBB said...

Glad you're going to have a good week! :)

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