Monday, September 10, 2012

Coding for a better life

I spent a lot of last week coding the final submission of the second book from Many Rivers Harbor. It -- it being On Target: Devotions for Modern Life by Kelley Benson -- published Friday. I'm very proud of the cover; I think it's the best one I've done so far.

This book taught me a lot, too. I learned how to do several new things with Photoshop Elements. I learned how to do some coding on Blogger with their widget templates. I also learned of several things to add to my contracts.

Wait, we need a bit of Sinatra now!

There, that's better.

Anyway, I took what I learned from making Kelley's website and fixed a couple things in my sidebar on 51313 Harbor Street that had always bugged me. So even though that book's cover was a bit of a hassle -- I made 15 different covers before I had one that pleased us both -- I gained from the experience.

And now it's time to start a new project. I have two projects in front of me. They're different in that I won't get money until they're done. Still, I think I could do them both this month. We'll see.

But I was thinking of coding this evening and how coding can completely change the look and impact of a page even change the slant of what's written on that page. And I thought about how cool it would be if we had coding that could so easily change our lives. Of course, people will try sell their "coding" to you. Religions, self-help, mystics, they all have a new coding for you. But we seem to be hardwired for certain behaviors, and while these behaviors can be changed, it takes a lot of work. No easy coding.

Reminds me of how they used to "program" computers by actually moving wires and circuit boards. Laborious and time consuming and frustrating. Software made it much easier to reprogram computers. Human seem to still be hardwired.

Anyway, that's what I was thinking tonight.

This week I will:
- Publish and mail September family newsletter.
- Chose one of the two projects and begin work on it.
- Contact an author about his last payment to me.
- Take an author photo for the publicity story.
- Continue to update my blogs.
- Household chores.
- Walk at least three times.
- Pay and mail bills.
- Catch up on filing.

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