Sunday, September 2, 2012

Time To Celebrate Your Labor

I hope Labor Day works out well for you.  You're obviously all off celebrating -- or that's what I'll believe for now.

The Good Stuff:
  • The bike riding got easier this week.  No pain.  Smooth movement.  I guess all the rough edges got worn off.
  • More (slow) progress on PBOTL
  • Revised the blogging schedule.  Even less aggressive than before, but I think I will like it.  I'll give it two months to make sure.
  • Ultrasound reveals only fibroids.  There are five potential actions to take as a result of this.  Two of them I've ruled out.  For now, I'm going to take the "wait and see," because the other two are invasive, and I'm not in the mood for it -- and the problem, at this point, doesn't seem to warrant them.  That just means instead of annual exams, I'll have to go in every six months. 
  • Downspouts arrived safe and sound
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • Weight went up a little this week.
  • The water leak at the store cost us $60 additional dollars on the water bill.  
  • A limb broke in San Antonio and broke half the power line at the San Antonio house.  That meant when hubby got there earlier this week for a doctor appointment, he could turn on a few lights, but the refrigerator and the air conditioner were not working.  He called City Public Service, and they had it fixed in about two hours.  He wasn't there long enough to do much with the refrigerator, but he tossed the stuff that had gone bad from the top and allowed the freezer to refreeze.  We threw that out this morning and put a new box of baking soda in the freezer.  Next time we get back to town, we'll have to devote time and effort to doing a thorough cleaning.  The smell isn't too bad, but I definitely want it to go away.
  • I renewed my driver license in mid-July and the temporary they gave me until my permanent license would arrive expired yesterday.  The new license hasn't arrived yet.  I contacted the Department of Public Safety yesterday asking them what what happening.  The site says to give them two business days to get back to me.  I'm guessing they had an old mailing address in AL in the system and it went there instead of San Antonio?  We won't be back there until later this month, so even though I've renewed my license, if I drive and have a problem, I'll probably be in hot water.  Not happy about that.
The Week Ahead:
  • Continue work on PBOTL
  • Continue riding the bike and doing the stretching exercises
  • Check the water at the store to make sure it's still not leaking
  • Find a way to get the songs off my Third Generation iPod, reformat it for Mac, and get the songs and books back on it.  This is not working as well as it should.  I'm not sure why I care.  Maybe I should just reformat it and deal with it from there.
  • Begin collecting Drudge headlines to see if I can make them into something coherent for NaNo
  • Find a few more recipes that hubby might eat, get menu planning done for two weeks at a time.  Look for ways to make our regular recipes lower in carbs.  We want to get 14 into the rotation, and we only have about nine at the moment.


Wendy said...

Why did they give you a temporary license? They don't make them on the spot? How odd. I must have kept my Virginia license when we moved to Texas because I don't remember getting a temp.

Yeah for easier biking. Can you feel a difference when you walk?

We were talking about going low carb, but then I started running, and the articles I read said don't go low carb when you start running because my body will need them for fuel. Good enough for me! Eric would benefit more from it, I think, but he doesn't seem inclined to get started on it.

Jean said...

No. They take the picture, then you wait for it to arrive in the mail. Totally stupid to me, but I'm not sure -- maybe they do a background check on the data, because they take a thumbprint.

Today was the earliest I'd hear back from DPS, and no word. We'll be back in SA to get the mail again on the 21st. Until then, I guess I'm technically not able to legally drive, even though I have renewed the license. It's irksome.

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