Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wendy's Week

It rained! Thanks to Isaac and the cold front that came through, we've had something like 5". The grass is green again, and Eric had to mow for (I think) the second time this summer. Alex also did it twice when he was home.

Good Stuff:
- Ran 4 days, swam 4 days. I had a little soreness, but not much. Just enough to let me know it was there.
- Started getting gear together for the rendezvous. Our bed is done and all the pieces fit. It's set up in the dining room now; that's my staging area. Funny how I really don't miss the table.
- Managed to make some headway on the house. I keep finding Vicky's things hidden in little nooks and crannies. I'm filling a basket to take to her room. The goal is to have all her stuff upstairs this week. Maybe then I can start keeping the downstairs cleaner. It is easier now that both kids are out.
- It seems that I was in starvation mode. I've started eating more and my weight has gone down just a little bit.
- Started gutting KOC so I can more effectively weave the theme in.
- Finally decided on the last bit of decorative detail for my wedding dress and got the embroidery started. It should work up pretty quickly.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Our church is trying to start a ministry at a local college campus. Today we schlepped stuff to the campus for our first worship service--drums, projector, screen, keyboard, all that band stuff. Nobody from the campus came. We had our keyboard player's parents, friends of the bass player, and a couple people from our church. We think part of the problem is that the director of student affairs dropped the ball and didn't put out our flyers, but we're rethinking the strategy.
- Haven't gotten my jacket finished yet.
- Haven't even thought about painting the upstairs bathroom.

This Week:
- Continue exercise routine.
- Work on KOC
- Drag gear inside and start packing what I can. Make a shopping list and pick up non-perishables.
- Paint (maybe)
- Work on downstairs; decluttering and general cleaning. The carpets need cleaning, but I'm not doing that until after the rendezvous.
- Do some bard story research.
- Re-write the little monologue I did years ago for VBS about the birth of Christ from the Star of Bethlehem's POV.
- Post something on the blog. Maybe the Star monologue. ;-)


Jean said...

The painting will be waiting. No worries. Consider the college ministry experience a good dry run, and I hope they get your flyers passed around.

Yes, carpet cleaning will be easier when the bed is gone from the dining room. Good plan.

Envious of your rain. Glad you got some, though. I know you needed it.

Good job on the exercise!

Tammy Jones said...

We finally got rain, too, and Bill mowed today - first time since May - even though it really didn't need it.

You sound just about as busy as Jean! {{huggs}} Sorry about the ministry, but it really sounds like you're looking forward to the rendezvous. I hope you have a blast!!

SBB said...

Did you have food at your event? When I was helping with the college group years ago, we also had a better turn out when we offered pizza or ice cream sundaes or smores.

You were busy! And you made time to exercise. Awesome. You inspire me!

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