Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wendy's week

Gearing up for the rendezvous. We leave Thursday morning and should have most of the afternoon to start setting up. Really looking forward to having MY wedding this time (the first one was really my mom's since she was my wedding planner), and the second honeymoon will be nice.

Good Stuff:
- Got a fair amount of sewing done, despite the jacket that has been fighting me tooth and nail. Seriously, everything I could have done wrong, I have. I've pretty much made the same jacket twice so far. The only thing left are the sleeve hems.
- I think we have everything we need, and it's all in the dining room or the garage. Packing should be easy.
- Ran 3 1/2 times (got caught in the rain Friday, so I only did half my run), swam twice.
- My Star of Bethlehem monologue turned out to be a skit read by two people--the star and an angel.
- We had some extra fellowship at church today--a light lunch in the parking lot. The weather cooperated, although it was overcast. It's been overcast all weekend.
- I'm going to try something different for NaNo this year. I'm going to do a collection of short stories. I don't plan to have a common theme beyond having a picture for each story which I'll use as a prompt. It's sort of an homage to 1,001 Arabian Nights. The working title is Thirty American Nights. The ulterior motive is, in theory, at the end I'll have several short stories that I can shop around to magazines/e-zines, thereby building my resume and maybe making a little money to put aside for conferences.

Not So Good Stuff:
- My garden has been neglected. I need to get out and pick tomatoes, check on the peppers, and I'm pretty sure I have potatoes ready to dig out, not to mention the brussels sprouts I need to plant for later harvest.
- My house is a disaster area, what with all the gear in the dining room and sewing paraphernalia strewn from the kitchen to the living room.
- Watched WAY too much TV this weekend. HGTV OD.
- Couldn't be bothered to step outside to see the Thunderbirds fly over my house, let go five miles to the base for the air show. It's not like I haven't seen them several times as it is, but usually I at least stand in the street to watch them. Yes, it's been a blah weekend.
- I'm taking the Scrivener class, and the lessons I've done have been really good. The bad news is I'm behind already, and I'm going to miss a week of lessons while I'm gone. Not a fan of playing catch-up even though I seem to do that a lot.

This Week:
- Meeting tomorrow to plan Christmas for church. 
- Pack up and go.


Jean said...

Just save all the stuff down from the Scrivener class. Yeah, it's better if you can do it in real time, but it'll work okay delayed.

Too funny on YOUR wedding. Next time, make sure you do ERIC's wedding. ;) Or is this one both of your's?

I like the idea for NaNo. I'm trying to think of something in a 52 week format. Essentially, 52 thousand word chapters designed to be read or acted upon over a week's time. Gee, if I use a picture, could I put together 52 Weeks of Cats? ;)

Jean said...

Oops! Have a great Rendezvous!

Tammy Jones said...

It all sounds pretty good to me, not blah at all. Have a fabulous time at your wedding and don't forget to smooch the groom! ;)

Tammy Jones said...

It all sounds pretty good to me, not blah at all. Have a fabulous time at your wedding and don't forget to smooch the groom! ;)

SBB said...

Congrats on the wedding! I hope we get to see lots of photos. That will be so cool!

I think your NaNo idea is cool. I don't have a clue for mine yet.

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