Sunday, March 10, 2013


My aching gut has been the nexus of my life the past few days. Started low down and mostly ignorable Tuesday afternoon, but has spread steadily upward since and increased in crushing intensity. Can't stand, sit, move, or lay down without clenching pain. Honestly, I can't tell what the problem is - I suspect peri-menopause since my bowels are functioning within normal operating parameters - but I do know I'm tired of hurting and feeling like a whimpering, belly-holding invalid.


Okay, on to more standard news. :)

The Good

I've received additional feedback on SPORE (got it a week ago Friday, actually, but seeing as how I've been in pain since Tuesday and can't seem to focus on much else, I haven't made much progress) and it's exciting to work again!! Very, very excited!  I'm looking at sending out my changes to pre readers in chunks of three chapters each so folks won't be slammed with the whole book at once. Most of the changes will be little tweaks in the narrative (chapter 1 was only setting/descriptive changes, for example) and bigger changes in the social media graphics. One more POV character is being added (a computer geek/hacker/activist named Glenn) and I'm hoping the rewrites will all run smoothly. I got all of the changes done to the first three chapters of narrative, and had started on changes to the graphics before my belly decided to mutiny, but since I can't focus/think to write, I haven't progressed much farther other than slowly working through the twitter and facebook avatars to ensure they're all properly sized for hi-res printing, and I either took the pics myself or the person(s) who did gave me permission to use them in SPORE. Since I can do that in short bursts, the PhotoShop work's all done. I'd better get back to narrative soon, though.

If y'all want to see the updates, let me know. I'm currently planning on getting the first chunk out on Monday.

I'm almost done with a quilt that I've traded with a friend for an iPad. The iPad is here, but the quilt is not done, again, because of the troublesome belly. My 'putting on binding' position just plain hurts, but I only have  about an hour's worth of work left on it, then it'll be out the door. I think it's a super cute quilt, and I hope she likes it. (I think she will). I'll post pics on FB after she's received it. :)

Weight loss is holding steady at right around 25lbs down, which is great. I haven't been on plan much lately (the same reason I'm off track with everything else, ha ha) but I've been under points, not over, so we'll see what next week's weigh in brings. It's the lack of exercise that worries me. It seems like I just get into the routine exercise groove then I'm sidelined by an illness. Grr!

The Granddaughter is speaking a few recognizable words, and her babble really sounds like actual sentences. Yay!!

We picked up a stray cat (his pic is on Facebook). He's very sweet and slowly acclimating to our household, even tho he hasn't (as far as we know) left the basement yet.

We're all good, overall. :)

The Meh

The Daughter is working, sort of, part time temp while a gal is out on maternity leave. It's not likely this will become anything permanent or more than part time, but at least it's something to get her out of the house for a while. The area here is really tough, employment wise. People with college degrees and experience are working the drive up window at McDonald's or putting clothes on racks at Kohl's. I am *very* concerned our whole country is shifting to a service-industry focused employment and that's really gonna wreak havoc in a lot of industries that require customers with some discretionary income (as in cars, real estate, and most any retail item beyond what's the cheapest version at WalMart), let alone the legions of working class people struggling to simply pay rent and eat. Thank goodness Bill makes enough to support us, otherwise I don't know how we'd manage. There's just nothing out there other than part time minimum wage crap jobs.

Bill's been working a little overtime (yay) but it's carrying mail in cold, crappy weather (boo) and he's hurting. I wish he'd exercise and stretch more on his days off, but I certainly can't make him. He's still very concerned about the postal mess, but at least the P.O. is getting mentioned in the various budgets put forth by various committees. I don't know what to do to help him worry less. Mostly I'm trying to stay positive and hopeful. Maybe it'll rub off??

House is rather messy since I'm not doing anything. Bill and Laura have picked up some of the slack, so that's good, but I really need to clean the kitchen and fold laundry!!

SPORE needs a new title. Agent likes the idea of it starting with a hashtag, so I need to come up with something there. Maybe #fingerscrossed or #NeedASale ?  ;)  I suck at titles, but something will float up, surely.

The Bad

I have to figure State Taxes. I totally forgot about them, haven't budgeted for them... Not looking forward to it at all but I have to get it done.

Desk and sewing room still a mess. Made some progress in sewing room, then got sick.

More snow forecasted for tomorrow. Would rather have rain.

Next Week

Get to at least Chapter 10 on SPORE, including changes to social media graphics.

Finish quilt and get it mailed to Tina.

CLEAN MY DESK. It's getting really bad, bad, bad.

Scrub my kitchen floor, which will be a waste of time since it's muddy out and the dog will just put footprints all over it, but it's just eeew.

Create quiet time with hubby. We've both been on short rations lately.

Have a loss this week at WW. :)

That's it for me, have a great mid-March, everyone!!  {{hugs}}


Jean said...

I hope you get over the nasty, mean, old cramps soon. No fun. So hard to do anything else when they are dominating your life.

At first I thought #fingerscrossed and #NeedASale were for you and jokes, then I realized, DUH! It's the driving force in the book. While #NeedASale is more obvious, I think #fingerscrossed speaks to so much more in the book than just the sale of a comic, it captures the hopes and dreams for creating a family as well, which is more impactful.

Tammy Jones said...

Lol. I'd actually meant them more as a personal commentary, but I can see how they might actually work as titles! Thank you!! {{hugs}}

SBB said...


Why doesn't he like Spore? Or #Spore? I think Spore is a great title.

Tammy Jones said...

I think it is, too, but he thinks it's too B-movie cliche sounding. So something else. Dunno *what* something else, but something.

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