Saturday, March 30, 2013

Step forward, stumble back

It's been a frustrating week. It seemed I would take a step forward and soon after stumble back.

Step forward:
- Finally got my car to run. It may be fixed. At least it hasn't died.
Step back:
Discovered my air conditioning system is broken. Can't be recharged. Needs to go AC professional, which is more money than I currently have.

Step forward:
- Got a new client for Many Rivers Harbor, and he paid me!
Stumble back:
- Two unexpected bills (one for car repair, one for insurance) took every last cent he paid me.

Step forward:
- Got everything organized on hutch. My work space is clean and efficient for the first time in years.
Half stumble back:
- I lost a bill in the reorganizing and was late and got penalty. (See above.) I should have known when I had money left over that I had missed a bill.

Step forward:
- Lost another five pounds with this low carb diet.
Stumble back:
- Blood sugar is continuing to rise. I'm quite worried about this trend.

Step forward:
- Wrote two new good chapters for Murder by the Mile.
Stumble back
- Had to remove 6,543 words from MBTM.

Well, that was the week. I also did chores, kept my client's websites updated, finally published and mailed March family newsletter, and generally stayed positive despite the setbacks. Over all, I give the week a 6.5.

This coming week:
- Easter dinner at a friend's house.
- Household chores.
- Work on MBTM.
- Work on April family newsletter. Maybe publish it on time for once!
- Maybe go to Medieval Fair on Friday if weather and finances permit.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter and a great week!


Jean said...

Sounds like "mayhem" visited your house regarding the insurance bill. :(

Wendy said...

So what you're saying is you had a week like mine. That's good, actually. Now we can blame the full moon.

SBB said...

I wasn't using my brain, Jean. My budget is tightly controlled. I should have known when I had money left over that something was wrong. And I should have kept that "extra" money in reserve rather than using it to pay a bill that wasn't even due yet. Well, live and learn. It's a good reminder to be more careful in the future.

That dang moon, Wendy! It's out to get us! Or make us into lunatics!

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