Saturday, March 9, 2013

Digging In...

Well, not yet, but soon. It's too soon to start the garden outside, but I will be starting it inside this week. This is the time of year I refer to as the tease. It gets nice and warm and sunny for a few days, and then we get slammed with cold and rain/snow. That usually coincides with one of my friends going to FL for Cardinals Spring Training.

Good Stuff:
- Entered "King Or Country" into two contests. In writing the short synopsis, I realized that main trouble with it is the weak romance arc. That gave me leave to ignore the problem until after the Kiss and Tell class I'm taking in April. I love productive procrastination.
- Made more progress on the house. We've got our bedroom about 2/3 done and the kitchen is coming together. We've been making at least monthly trips to Good Will.
- Eric finished his semester from Hell. He has a whole week off before the next semester starts.
- The last (I hope) pieces for the kitchen came in yesterday. Barring further damaged pieces, the rest of the cabinetry will be installed soon. It looks like we are well on track to being finished before the drop dead, has to be done date of April 30.
- Called maid services for quotes. Since we have so much family coming for graduation, I'm going to have someone come in and do a deep clean.
- Not sure if I mentioned it here, but I found a Judo club about four miles from our church, and I don't have to rearrange my schedule for their adult classes. I'm going to check them out Monday. Hopefully I won't chicken out! This is so far out of my comfort zone, but I think I need to do it. Wasn't it Eleanor Roosevelt who talked about doing something that scares you every day?
- Alex should be home tomorrow for spring break. 
- Started a new bible study about praying circles around problems/people. The concept is based on when the Israelites circled the walls of Jericho. It's been enlightening.

Not So Good Stuff:
- We've made good progress, but there is still a lot to do, even without doing all the pre-company cleaning myself. I feel like I'm going to need the 10 weeks I have left to declutter enough for a maid to come in!
- My Uncle Carl has started chemo for lymphoma. His prognosis is good, but it's going to be a long road for him and his sons.
- Despite my best efforts, I only marked off half my To Do list. It's not even like the stuff still on there is hard. I could knock most of the out in an hour or two, but I haven't.
- As is always the case after a conference, I've had to make a concerted effort to back my caffeine level back down again. It helps a lot with concentration, hence the reason for the spike, but getting where I am from a pot of coffee a day was hard. It's been almost three years and I still flip off the Nicorette commercials because there is no Cafferette. Yes, it's petty.

This Week:
- Make a Honey Do list for spring break. I'm going to have easy access to two able-bodied men, so I need to make it a good one!
- Start seeds.
- Figure out how to send a manuscript to my Kindle app.
- Kick decluttering into high gear.
- Start writing the book I've been plotting, and come up with a working title.
- Finish my To Do list.

Have a good week!


Jean said...

To send to Kindle app, put in pdf or Kindle format (I forget which one it is) and store it in Drobbox. Open on the iPad, then select Open in... Kindle App. Voila! (Sorry if I ruined all the fun of figuring it out.)

Awesome stuff going on -- except for your poor Uncle Carl. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Go ahead. Flip off the Nicorette commercials. Especially if you feel better for doing so.

I was reading this, and Mr. L asked, "Where are you going to get two able-bodied men?" (sounding just a touch jealous) I said, "Wendy. Wendy has two able-bodied men." SMH.

Wendy said...

Oh! That sounds pretty easy. Do I access Dropbox on the iPad through Safari, or is there an app?

Jean said...

There's an app. And you'll get more storage for installing it!

Tammy Jones said...

Sorry about your uncle. {{hugs}} to everyone. I hope the chemo goes well.

Caffeine addiction is awful. Oy, the headaches!! {{huggs}} for you, too. And, yeah, they should make a patch or pill for that, too.

The rest sounds pretty good, though! I'm kinda jealous about the maid. Maybe I should look into that for us. After a winter trapped inside with a dog and four cats, we could use a deep cleaning!

GOOD LUCK with King or Country! Woot!!

SBB said...

SMH? What does that mean, Jean?

Wendy, sounds like you're getting a lot done. I'm looking forward to reading King and Country.

I love caffeine. I might write a sonnet to it.

Jean said...

I'm sorry. SMH was being used all over Twitter last year, and I thought I was the last person on the planet to figure out it means "Shaking My Head." (So I wasn't alone.)

Wendy said...

No, you weren't alone. I had to look it up too.

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