Sunday, November 17, 2013

Happy New Year!

I'm 47 today. Or I will be, about 3:30 this afternoon. Eric came down this weekend and we spent yesterday doing fun stuff. Now he's headed back north, and it's back to the every day for me, except for the cupcake I bought myself. No need to have a whole cake around, calling out for me.

Good Stuff:
- We saw the new Thor movie yesterday and really enjoyed it. Really, what's not to love about Chris Hemsworth half naked and Tom Hiddleston causing havoc?
- I bought a new sweater to wear to church today, but it was too warm for a sweater. :-/
- I usually don't tell many people about my birthday. They tend to make a big fuss about it, and while I enjoy a little fuss, I have my limits. They were stretched today. Our worship leader planned half the music with me in mind, and they sang Happy Birthday in the middle of worship. I do appreciate having my contributions acknowledged because I do quite a bit there, but, well, like I  said, I have limits. Luckily, she got it out of her system and we were able to return to our regularly scheduled worship service. 
- Sent more stuff north. Mostly books this time. I think it might be a good strategy to send all the books I can north so we can see how much more shelf space we need.
- Moved some stuff around downstairs so there won't be big holes where we've moved stuff when the Boys come on Saturday.
- Had a physical with the new doc upstate. She wasn't at all concerned with my weight, and everything checked out a-okay. So far, anyway. I haven't gotten results on my blood work yet.

Not So Good Stuff:
- The Boys come Saturday. Eric won't be back until the following Wednesday. Luckily, his boss is letting him work an extra hour a day between now and then so he can take Friday off. Plus I think Alex will be home that weekend, so maybe I won't have to be the entertainment committee all on my own. Not that they need much entertaining!
- The weather today is very strange. It's unusually warm--in the 70's--but super windy, and you can feel the chill in the wind. Classic tornado weather for this area, which would be bad enough on its own, but Eric is driving today. To say I'm praying like crazy is an understatement. I'd really like for today to continue to be a happy birthday.
- There is so much to do this week, and Eric's visit was too short.
- I'm a day behind on word count, which isn't a huge deal. I can make it up, but I have the house to clean and Thanksgiving/company to prep for. I'm putting together a plan. We'll see how that works. Hopefully I won't get so overwhelmed that I retreat to the TV. Or food.
- I might have to conceded defeat on Nano. Not giving up yet, but we'll have to see how this week goes. I was pushing to get it done because I wanted to finish the book this year, and I could, in theory, make it. I'm almost 25% done with 6-ish weeks left in the year. If I can maintain my pace, there's hope. It'll be a real accomplishment. I've never written a whole book in under 6 months, so to do one in 2 will be epic.
- I've been working on this post almost 2 hours. My phone has been ringing non-stop. It's nice to be loved, but I should run out of relatives sooner or later! Jeesh!

I think that's it from here. If not, it's close enough. Have a good one!


Tammy Jones said...

We love you to, Wendy!! {{hugs}}

I bet the house is looking great! Did you ever get the mess w/ Vicky and her lease straightened out?

SBB said...

Sorry, I missed the chance to wish you a Happy happy happy birthday!

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