Saturday, November 16, 2013

S A T U R D A Y- - - - NIGHT!!~

Heh. That song reminds me of roller skating at the roller rink with my middleschool class. I pretty much stunk (stank??) at roller skating, and always had to hold the wall. Not much has changed in 35 years. ;) lol

It's been a pretty typical week here. Got some housework done, laundry is caught up, other than the load in the dryer to fold and the clothes we all wore today. I have even - mostly - organized and cleaned my sewing space. Weight's been more-or-less steady (up a little, down a little, basically going nowhere) and I'm still struggling with the last remnants of my tummy bug.

Been writing tho, every night as promised in my challenge with my friend Shirley. Shirley, however, has had some family stuff to deal with so - as of yesterday at least - she hasn't written anything yet. She will tho. :)

Went to a 'one stop shop hop' with my friend Deb and her mom today. That's where several quilt shops get together to sell their stuff all in one place instead of a standard shop hop where a bunch of shops get together to run group sales and the quilters have to drive all over everywhere to get all of the freebies/patterns/specials. I spent $8 at the shop hop, but we stopped at another store on the way back... I spent $48 there. Quilted Forest in Forest City is a very dangerous store. Anyway, it was fun to hang with Deb and Norma for most of the day. Not sure when I'm going to get to sew any of my purchases tho. I still have Jean and Wendy's quilts to finish (the tops are done, but I haven't progressed since) and Stephen's to piece. It's cut, just not sewn together. Plus all the other partially done or need to get started on quilts for Christmas presents, etc.

Sigh. Must focus on writing, not sewing.

Tomorrow it's football and the Steelers are most likely gonna get their butts handed to them by the Detroit Lions. Six months ago (heck, three months ago!!) I would have laughed hysterically at that statement, but here we are. I might be able to stretch a quilt while listening to the game, especially if it's as one sided as I'm pretty sure it's going to be. At least it'll be on TV this week so I can cuss at the players instead of just the increasingly crappy score at the update line on the bottom of the screen.

Hmm. Maybe I can move the kitchen table into the TV room (it'll fit) so I can stretch the quilts *and* watch the game! That's a plan!!  The lighting's not the best in there, but I think I can make it work (my sewing lamp is portable, after all) :)

My regular monthly sewing class is this coming Friday - YAY!! - and I'll be there all day sewing (double yay!!), plus the next Friday (black Friday) I am, currently, planning on also sewing at the quilt shop all day since Tanya's having a black Friday sew-instead-of-shop-athon (triple yay!). I ought to be able to make at least a little dent in all of the projects. Oy, I have a lot of projects! Here's hoping either Laura or Bill will be home Black Friday so I can sew. 

Little Miss turns two on Tuesday! It's not possible, yet it's like she's always been here. Such an incredible kid!

Lastly, I received a very nice rejection yesterday. It's progress, right? :)

We're hosting Thanksgiving, and I think I'm pretty much set for that, other than picking up the turkey and whatever I decide to make for munchies. I have delegated pie to my mother and I think I'll ask my father in law to bring pop.

I was still pretty stressy/whiny/cranky/weepy until Bill came home last night and I grabbed him, held on, and he held back. He just smooshed the negativity away, I think. Been better ever since.

It's probably a shift in my stupid hormones, but I'll let Bill take the credit for it.  ;)

Be kind, be happy, write lots!!  {{hugs}}


Jean said...

Happy birthday, Little Miss! Very nice rejections, if you have to get them, are the best. Looking for to any kind of suitable acceptance, though. They are much better.

Frankly, I think Bill's hug did the trick. He squished all those wishy washy nasty hormones out of the bad place, and replaced them with endorphins. Yay, Bill.

You just love torturing us by dangling news about quilts out there, don't you?

Wendy said...

I'm a big believer in the power of hugs.

If it helps ease your burden, feel free to put my quilt off until next year. It's not as if I'll be properly settled in to our new place until spring.

Tammy Jones said...

Your quilt is absolutely not a burden! I quilt for the love, no other reason, it's just other 'need to do' things keep getting in the way of my 'want to do' things. It'll get done, tho! {{hugs}}

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