Saturday, November 30, 2013

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin...

I've had a terrible time keeping track of days this week. It might be because we haven't done much outside the house. Dinner out a couple times, but no touristy stuff this time. For some reason, Eric didn't appreciate it much when Greg and I agreed it's felt like Saturday all week. :-)

Good Stuff:
- Everyone got here safely.
- Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. Amazing how easy it is when you decide not to be perfect and only do the important bits. Eric bought bread and desserts, and there were no howls of outrage that I didn't make challah from scratch. The only flack I caught was that I didn't make mac & cheese in addition to all the other carbs on the table, and Alex was the only one put out.
- It was great having everyone here. I'm not the only one stressed out these days, and we all needed the downtime to step back and count our blessings.
- The Christmas tree and creche are up. I'm dragging out ALL the Christmas stuff this year. When we un-decorate, I'll let the kids take what they want, or at least call dibs.
- Most of the books are packed. Every time I turn around, I find more of them. I swear they multiply.
- I think I'm getting bookcases for Christmas.
- My cold went away quickly. Yeah for Airborne!

Not So Good Stuff:
- Eric had to work through Wednesday, so he didn't get here until late Wednesday night.
- Alex didn't get here until Tuesday. He decided to stay at school a couple extra days to try to knock out his homework. He still didn't get it all done and had to bring some home.
- It seems like the more I do, the more there is still left to do. There are big open spaces where we've moved things, but still piles of things that need to be dealt with. I need to get more ruthless in my sorting, and I need to keep reminding myself that not everything is moving.
- I've developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot. I'm going to try speed walking instead of plodding running for a while.
- It's looking like I won't be going upstate again until after Christmas. Between getting ready for the holidays and Alex's graduation on the 14th, and then family visiting after, there just isn't a block of time for me to go except late next week, and I'm not sure I'll be able to get enough of a load together to justify the gas. On one hand, that's fine. It's a long, boring drive, and the cats are neurotic when I get home. On the other, it's hard living alone, and at least when I go up there we both get a break from that.
- I dropped out of Nano. It's not really a bust. I got a lot done, but there's almost no chance of finishing the book this year and I have to be all right with that. I'm setting a new target date of Feb. 28th, but Valentine's Day would be great.
- I'm not going to the rendezvous in FL this year. It's the first time I'll miss it since I started going, oh, about 10 years ago. We need to build our emergency fund back up, and frankly, I'm sick of traveling. I've been gone way too much this year.

So I think that's about it. It's all I can scrape out of my muddled little brain. I'd say it will get better now that there are a couple weeks to get things done, but that's wishful thinking! Looking forward to January...

1 comment:

Jean said...

The only way to really cure plantar fascitis is rest. That said, you can do light workouts if you do good stretching. When I have it, I always make sure I stretch my feet before getting out of bed in the morning (that's when it's usually the most painful). The other way to reduce it is to not be barefoot. Always have some kind of shoe on your foot.

Sounds like you've had a really good week, all things considered.

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