Sunday, November 10, 2013

It's Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Generally speaking, Sundays suck, mostly because LittleMiss leaves us for a couple of days to visit her dad and we always mope around, missing her.

Anyway, TheKid is at work, Bill's in the basement playing D&D with friends, and I'm watching the Bengals/Ravens game while keeping an eye out for the Steelers score - at this moment, they're currently 23-3 against the Buffalo Bills, with 3:23 left in the 4th quarter. So, maybe they'll win one. They really need to win one.

I have the laptop here on my lap to write, but since I have a bad case of the 'who the heck am I kidding?'s over my writing, I'm mostly watching the game, petting MeowMeow, and reading quilt porn, er, The Keepsake Quilting Catalog. I need to make time to sew. I need to make my brain write, I need to wash my kitchen cupboards and scrub my downstairs floors and a million other things I'm not doing.

My class is going all right, I guess, but I don't feel like I'm doing a good job teaching. I have two students. One doesn't need the class - she's confident and knowledgeable and, with one finished novel and another half done, really just needs encouragement to polish and submit. The other is a super sweet younger guy, but I'm not sure if he's writing a novel. I think it's more non-fiction essays and I'm not a lot of help with that. I go in with my notes and I'm ready to discuss everything, but she has no questions (just yup, yup, yup!) and he wants to talk about his own things (as do we all). I keep knocking discussion back to the topics of that class (this week it was characters and working past humps/distractions/etc). I dunno, I just don't feel like I'm teaching either of them anything at all.

I was sick most of this past week (LittleMiss brought home a tummy bug to share with everyone) and lost about 5 lbs in a not very happy or healthy way, but I've started eating again and put most back on. I'm not really counting points again yet - I'm still kinda glurgly and my body's screaming for bland yet calorie dense food - but hopefully the tummy will be back to normal operating parameters tomorrow. I haven't exercised either, there's simply no energy. It's amazing and distressing how a virus can wipe me out so badly.

Had my annual physical and such on Monday (before the LittleMiss bug hit us all) and passed everything with glowing colors, so that's great. My doc was VERY ENTHUSED about my weight loss and wasn't worried at all about my plateau. Said it's due to my hormones and to hang tough and it'd work out fine. So I'm trying to do that.

No news on SPORE, and I have about 2 weeks before NY shuts down booky stuff for year end matters, so if it hasn't received an offer before Thanksgiving, nothing will happen until next year. Still waiting edits for MORGAN. It's not going to go out until January, so the chances of me selling *anything* this year are slim to none. Oh well.

We're having most of the family over for turkey and such, which will be nice, and there might be more people. We've kinda put the word out that we're putting out a big spread, so come on over.

I lost the city council election and was relieved. I have a meeting tomorrow and I look at my agenda packet and think, Gah, I don't want to do this! So it's surely a good thing I'm not locked into another 4 years of it. It was a good experience, a learning experience, but I cannot fathom why anyone wants to do this kind of thing as a vocation. Not and keep their soul. It's draining. It's constant bickering over money and who/how to spend it. Or not. Or why to use this company and not that one, even if the other one's cheaper. Did you know there's a GARBAGE MAFIA in rural Iowa? Seriously. And a asphalt one, too. Have to use the right garbage collection/road repair service or it's trouble. Same with bobcat repair, automotive maintenance, electrical... Crazy. Only this month and next, and I'm done. I do want to make a little quilt (a mug-rug, probably) for our city clerk, tho. She's been a great help.

This coming week, I just want to accomplish something instead of sitting around holding my belly and poofing out fumes. ;)

Only 51 seconds left in the game and the Steelers are still ahead 23-3. Yay!

Hope you all have a great week and Happy Veterans Day tomorrow! {{hugs}}

1 comment:

Jean said...

A mug rug sounds wonderful.

I suspect that mafia you mention is prevalent everywhere.

Ahem. Get to writing. ;)

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