Monday, February 10, 2014


Didn't want the week to start without updating even if there's not that much to tell overall.

-- Worked quite hard on the writers group anthology. It's around 90 percent done. Still need to format and place 12 works and develop some sort of cover. While there are several pieces in it that aren't to my taste, there are more that have surprised me. The quality overall is better. We have some excellent poems in particular.
-- Been reading Write. Publish. Repeat. by Platt, Truant, and Wright, three successful self-published authors of ebooks and serial fiction. The language is a bit rough--the f-word is used in many ways--but the advice is interesting, informative, and even inspiring. I recommend it. They also have a podcast, the Self Publishing Podcast. Tune in to get their flavor and see if it's to your liking. Here's link to their show: Self Publishing Podcast.  You can also watch them on YouTube. Warning: NSFW.
-- More decluttering. Made more progress in the garage and in my room. Also, my desk. It's better to not look at what still needs to be done. One decluttering task at a time.
-- Wrote a good poem.
-- Not doing as well on my diet as I have in the past. Cold weather seems to make me hungry. Hungry and sleepy.
-- Hate the ice and snow. And the cold, but the ice and snow in particular. We have been hammered in Oklahoma. Well, not as much as farther up north, God help them, but enough to keep me in the house. I am longing for spring, summer, sunlight, and warmth, oh blessed warmth.
-- Murder by the Mile. Sigh. I did a few things, wrote some words, cut some words, and ended up with less than when started. If I keep working on it, only the title will be left.
-- Had a couple of painful heart episodes. Less painful than what I've had in the past, but enough to ruin a couple of days.
-- Skipped my meds a couple of times. I shouldn't do this, but I hate the side effects. Not mature at all.
-- Have NO ideas for cover for anthology. It's open theme, which makes it tougher.
This Week:
-- Work on the writers anthology. Need to have the proofs available by the next meeting February 22.
-- Work on Murder by the Mile. Make actual progress.
-- Household chores.
-- Keep diet.
-- Exercise more.
Good News:
-- Weather is supposed to improve starting Wednesday. That will really help my mood.

Hope you have a great week!


Jean said...

I find the mind wanders after 30-90 days on a project, er dieting. That "wandering" makes it very difficult for me to stick with a plan. I'm find that with the mindful eating plan. The photos worked great for several things, then I started to forget to take them. What that tells me is they have served their purpose for now, and I need to look into other aspects of the program to keep myself engaged. I am doing better. For instance, last night about nine, I was hungry. Keying on the "hunger later in the evening usually means you're tired" aspect, I finished what I was doing and went upstairs. I went to bed and turned out the light a couple hours earlier than I usually do, but I slept well all night. I guess I was tired. (And God only knows what I would have eaten had I let myself, but I wasn't really hungry after all -- I wanted sleep.)

Jean said...

For the anthology cover, game pieces from various games comes to mind. I have no idea if that would fit or not. You decide.

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