Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Listing today.
On my desk
Scentsicles, white winter fir
Tape dispenser
Swingline Stapler
Uniden cordless phone
Gooseneck lamp
Four (4) pen and pencil holders, including two I made with cans and art paper
Alaway allergy eye itch relief drops
Systane Ultra High Performance Lubricant Eye Drops
Oklahoma State University ceramic coaster
Two (2) copper rounds
Ship deck prism
Choicemmed oximeter
Creative desktop speaker

Last Week
- Nearly finished the writers group anthology formatting. Need to put in two more items from the group and then decided what I'm going to have in there.
- Did household chores.
- Bought a walking DVD from Leslie Sansone, the walk-at-home fitness expert that Tammy pointed my way.
- Had lunch with a couple of friends, including my friend Gail who stopped by unexpectedly. We had a great three hours discussing poetry and life in general. Wish she lived closer.
- Survived yet another Valentine's Day without hurting anyone -- mostly because I couldn't shake that pesky police surveillance. Doing to have to up my game.
- Took a sack of books to the library to donate.
- Did better on my diet.

This Week
- Finish anthology formatting.
- Print proofs for writers.
- Print contacts for writers.
- Make agenda for writers group meeting Saturday and print.
- Edit and print last meeting's minutes.
- Hand out proofs at meeting.
- Get contracts signed.
- Work on a dang cover for the anthology.
- Update laptop and charge battery before meeting so one of our members can Skype in.
- Household chores.
- Lunch with a couple for friends.
- Work on Murder by the Acre. Even if I can't yet figure out how they're going to catch him, there are some Plot B scenes I can write.
- Read a chapter or two in the Bible each day.
- Walk with Leslie (see above) each day.
- Take more photos for my Year in Photos project.
- Talk to Jean about secret project.
- Post on Createslate, Stephen B. Bagley's Books, and 51313 Harbor Street.

That is all. Carry on. Walk proudly. Don't spit tobacco in public.


Jean said...

I see what you did there to catch my interest. Unless, of course, you're talking about a different Jean.

SBB said...

What? You weren't interested before reading about the Secret Project? Hmm. I will henceforth include more sex, violence, and cats in my posts. And yes, Lady Jean, you are the Jean to whom I was referring.

Wendy said...

Ooh, she's Lady Jean now! Fancy!! :-)

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