Saturday, August 9, 2014

nothing much

Now that I have my part of Blackbirds squared away, apart from the Fun Facts I'm collecting, life has settled back into something resembling routine. Eric had a migraine Monday, I had one Thursday. Wednesday evening was worship team practice (I'm singing tomorrow), and it was very much like rehearsing with the old praise band, even without the pair of teenagers. Fun, and very interesting indeed. Oh, and our church is prettier at night.

Yesterday I hopped on the train and we had dinner at an Italian place a couple blocks from Eric's office. It's sort of a high-end cafeteria, if you can imagine that. You stand in line to get your food, but the decor is much higher end than plastic tables and chairs. Prices are reasonable, too, especially for the city.

I did manage to work every day this week, even when I had my headache. Oh, and I found a park about 3/4 of a mile away. I walked there with my notebook yesterday, sat under a tree and tried to work on the beginning to midpoint part. It was nice to be in green space, but I think I'm going to hear traffic noise even after I'm dead. I may need to make one more run up to MI before the weather turns so I can sit on my mom's deck. I'm beginning to understand why so many people walk around with headphones.

Jean, Eric picked up some kind of crud too, so it's not just in Dallas. I don't know what it is, but he's been coughing a lot and feeling under the weather. He's absolutely no fun today, which maybe isn't such a bad thing because it seemed to come on quickly and I can't be sick until tomorrow afternoon, preferably Monday. The way he's coughing makes me want to Lysol everything.

If schedules remain as they are, this will be the last week of quiet. Next weekend, Jeff the Bard is supposed to be with us. After he leaves, Mom and Aunt Shirley come, and the weekend after that we'll have Chad and maybe Alex. That gets us to the beginning of September (and I want to know how that happened so fast). A week or so later, our next-door neighbor is supposed to move out, and we have dibs on her place, so we may move soon after that. It's too soon to say right now, but it is fairly safe to say we'll be moving twice in one year. OTOH, it should be the easiest move we've ever made! Since there are only two of us on this floor, we can barricade the cats in a room and prop both apartment doors open. Most things should move from one spot here to the same spot there since the floor plans mirror each other. After that, it's a matter of learning to turn left instead of right to get to my bedroom. It's times like this I think it's a good thing I don't have a job.

So that's about it right now. Y'all have a good week and get lots of words!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Sounds like a generally good, productive week.

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