Sunday, August 3, 2014

Quiet. For now.

We were supposed to have Chad back this weekend to go back to the Ren Faire, but he's been battling kidney stones. We'll try again over Labor Day weekend. What that means is we had no company this weekend, nor do we next weekend. Then we have three separate batches over the next three weekends.

It's been a decent week. It went really fast, and each of the days went fast. It seemed like every day I wondered how it got to be 3:00, and what was I going to make for supper? On the plus side, the new end of Weeping Willow is done. Now to work backwards to figure out the dreaded middle.

We saw Guardians Of The Galaxy yesterday, too. It was a fun movie, and I like Zoe Saldana much better than I like her in the Star Trek movies. I truly dislike the new Uhura. If I was Nichelle Nichols, I'd slap somebody. Oh, and I forgot to mention last week we saw Lucy. It's really good if you like mind bendy movies. It was sort of like Inception, except one girl kicked butt all by herself.

There's still drama downstate, but it seems to be coming closer to the end. Alex is there now, and he's having the best time messing with the ex. Vicky has taken the moral high ground, but Alex has no such compunctions. I can't blame him. The ex shut off the internet and took the modem and router, so they have no internet or TV. He also took a couple of our camp chairs and a bunch of DVDs, and then told Vicky if she wants them to come get them, but he's not telling her where he lives. The dummy apparently hasn't thought through the fact that Vicky has contact info for most of his family, and a lot of them like her better than him. He's going to be very happy to learn that the locks have all been changed, so he can't come in and steal anything else. Not only that, but the rest of his stuff has been packed. He need come no further than the dining room now. I offered to go down to be the heavy, but they have everything under control. Surely by the time we go down for the St Louis Games at the end of September it will all be over. I hope it's over before Alex goes back to school in a couple weeks. The really cool part about all of this is how my kids are a united team. It's such a blessing that they get along now, especially when I thought for so many years they never would.

So that's about it here. Y'all have a good week, and Jean, have a happy birthday tomorrow!


Jean said...

Ouch. So sorry for Chad. I hope he's feeling much better soon.

As for the ex drama, yay for Alex helping out. No further than the dining room? They're being far too good to him. Put his stuff in the garage and shove it out the door to the driveway half an hour before he's supposed to pick it up, and lock the doors again. Be out there until half an hour after he was supposed to pick it up or until he calls to exercise reasonable security, then, if he's not there, leave it for him.

If the modem and router was his to take, I can't fault him for that. If it wasn't, a good lawyer might be able to argue he violated the no damage part of his agreement with you, but if the worst of the situation is you're out a modem, router, chairs, and DVDs, count your blessings.

Thank you for the birthday wishes. It was a nice, quiet day. Mr. L forgot about it until this afternoon, but he took me to dinner at a nice place the next town over, even though he's feeling under the weather this week.

Wendy said...

LOL I like the way you think. I might have gotten around to that if I'd spent a little more time thinking about it, but frankly he's not worth the time. Besides, I'm pretty sure Alex already thought of that!

I am certain the router was his. I'm not sure about the modem. I think the kids were irritated that he just took it without warning and kind of left them in the lurch. I haven't checked to see if they've gotten service turned back on yet.

We, Eric and I, are out more than that, though. He never paid a dime of rent the whole time he lived there. We knew they wouldn't be able to until June because their old lease ran out the end of May. We were okay with that. Then July came and there was nothing. He was out of work by then and expecting Vicky to pay for everything, most likely because he paid all their expenses while she was in school. In fairness, when she wasn't working it was because he told her she didn't have to so she could concentrate on school. The trouble with his quid pro quo thinking is he made more money than she did. In any case, it should be about over, and I haven't gotten any gossip phone calls yet this week so everything must be going all right.

Jean said...

In these circumstances, you can kind of expect the petty annoyance games he's playing with Vicky. As for you and Eric, that is a big ouch. You may have rented the house to someone else, I suppose, but I didn't get the sense you planned to do that. Alternatively, you could be selling it, but either way, unless it sold, you'd have been out the money toward the mortgage anyway. I'm sure Vicky will take reasonable care of the property, and with him gone, that's a plus for everyone. On the bright side (for you), his family is stuck with him. You can soon put him in your distant rear view mirror (I hope).

Wendy said...

The best part of having Vicky there is the furniture we didn't have to put into storage. It's best to move antiques as little as possible. I wouldn't think twice, probably, if they were pieces we've picked up along the way, but these are family pieces.

We can manage the mortgage and rent, but it would be nice to have at least part of the mortgage to put aside for retirement.

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