Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown

Wendy asked if Mr. L ever does anything nice.  A more than fair question, since all I seem to do is complain about the man. This week, I tried to notice when he does something nice.  Here are a few things:
- He's started bringing one laundry basket downstairs (without asking) when I empty his hamper and leave the basket on top on days I plan to do laundry.  This helps me, because then I only have to bring my basket downstairs (and his has the towels in it, too).
- He cooks at least a couple of nights a week.
- He lets Lady out in the morning (he's usually downstairs first), and she comes upstairs to help me meet the day.
- Just this week, he took a few items upstairs that I'd put at the bottom of the stairs to go up.
- He's attempted to involve me in the trip planning for this year.  I don't care what he does, but I do appreciate that he's letting me know what we're doing.
- He was sensitive to me being worried about Sneaky not being here when she was gone.  Of course, I know he was worried about her, too.

Mr. L's lenses weren't made right, so we're hoping the replacement set is, and that they get here before the end of the day on Tuesday. At least he got his frames re-fitted to his face while we were in the shop, so when they pop the new lenses in and ship them to us, they should fit well. He's using his old prescription now, and, well, if you wear glasses, you know that's less than ideal.

I got more type-in done on PBOTL.  I've decided to compile my 2014 A-Z blog posts into an ebook, and I'll use that as the freebie for signing up for any of my mailing lists.  I may go back and compile the 2013 posts, too, for something similar.  Maybe one for each list -- 2014 for the Fiction Club, and 2013 for the blog posts.  I'll need something else for my PM blog post sign up. These first two will be fun to figure out cover art, formatting, etc. I need to learn sometime.

We had an interesting moment late this afternoon.  Mr. L looked outside and saw a cat under the trailer in the driveway.  At first he thought it was Sneaky, but she was on the back porch.  Then we thought it was Walter, but HE was on the side porch.  A third cat, with a big head like Walter, was crouched under the trailer.  We had a kitty triangle for about ten minutes, then the cat under the trailer walked behind the trailer wheels, Walter went under the house, and Sneaky curled up and went to sleep.  The third cat came onto the side porch and cleaned the last few crumbs of food out of the food tower.  Instead of Sneaky and Walter, I wonder if we've had a third cat that we assumed was Walter (this cat is browner in color while Walter is more silvery).  Always something intriguing going on around here.

Floyd has started causing problems at night around the house.  A couple of nights ago, I got Lady's treats to put her in her cage for the evening, and Floyd walked in with her.  For the third night in a row, he's done this, and I've just closed him in with Lady.  He hasn't minded. I suppose because he commandeers the fleece inside the carrier, leaving Lady to sleep on the scratch box.  Last night, I put a towel on top of the carrier, and Lady's been sleeping there at night.

The next edition of the Fiction Club newsletter goes live on November 2, so I plan to have a link to photos from the book signing as well as any links to buy Blackbirds.

The first "Looking for..." post went live on Wednesday.  Next week's post will have more links. The key is remembering to add to the post as I go throughout the week.

Have you heard of Mash Stories? Each quarter, they post three key words.  People write a story of 500 words or less using the three key words unchanged in any way (except for capitalization at the beginning of sentences) and submit them for competition.  Readers vote, as does the panel, and at the end of the quarter, a winner is chosen.  The competition begins anew with three new key words.  It might be fun, and the feedback (or lack thereof) might help with story polishing.

The Week Ahead:
  • Pack for the trip
  • Get the cats to boarding early and give them their Revolution dosage.  Write up the instructions in advance to make the check-in process go more smoothly. 
  • Drive. Drive. Drive.
  • Put together as many pre-scheduled posts as possible.
  • Get type-in work done on the trip.
  • Write up a review for Cat Gerlach's retold fairy tale in preparation for the short going live on Amazon.
  • I think I'll be in Tennessee next time I check in.  Y'all have a great week.

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