Friday, September 12, 2014

Scooped out

I'm all right. Got the website up, no word on edits for SPORE, things are things.

Went to the Clay County Fair today with Bill and Little Miss, have the community garage sale tomorrow, and a nearby farmer's market - both also with Bill and Little Miss. I'm having some post-surgery pain issues today and I have to keep reminding myself I'm only a month out from major abdominal surgery. I really wish my innards and muscles would settle back to where they're supposed to be.

That's about it. Have a good week.



Wendy said...

Man, y'all have a lot of fairs there! Seems like every month you've gone to some kind of fair with Little Miss. Glad to hear you're being productive.

Tammy Jones said...

Every county has its fair, plus there's the State Fair - which is in Des Moines and Bill and I both had been dragged their by our parents so, so many times and it's always the same so we don't go. If that makes sense.

We've been attending county fairs and, so far, the Clay County fair was the bestest. I'd have to say Wright County was next best. After that, they're all kind of the same. We like going because Little Miss ooooohs and aaaaaaahs over stuff and gets excited and has a great time taking it all in. We don't get excited about chickens or sheep or piglets, but she sure does. That's how we have fun, watching her. ;)

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