Sunday, May 8, 2016

Coming up for Air

I had days where I planned to work on Malone. Plans did not become action in this case. I carried the task of "Add 5 pages to Fluffy" to this coming week, so we'll see how that goes. I can't see any reason it won't get done; however, Mr. L has not revealed his plans, nor does he do so in advance, because even if he tells me, they inevitably change anyway.

I'll need to get it done this week, because the following week will involve another trip to SA. Mr. L needs to get his stitches removed, and I need to do back yard work in anticipation of not being able to be there for several months to do any work at all. Last year, it wasn't pretty. This year it won't be pretty either, but there are a few things I can do.

I plan to make a quick trip down there the weekend before my surgery to mow the front yard and do a quick trim to have everything as spruced as possible before I abandon it for several months.

We're supposed to have rain all week. We'll see what that materializes as. So far, nothing but sprinkles.

Other than that, I'm making lists in preparation for surgery to get my new knee.


SBB said...

I well understand carrying list tasks to the next day, the next week, the next month. I just have be careful that they don't end up being carried to the next life.

We got a lot of bad weather today. About one inch of rain in about 45 minutes. But the sun finally came out. Supposed to be clear the rest of the week.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you can finally make some concrete plans to get ready for your new knee. It must be such a relief to have the green light. Is there any way you can finagle hiring some of that work out for the summer so it's not so bad next year? I seem to remember you struggling to beat it back after you recovered from your last surgery.

Jean said...

I think you'll be safe from carrying them to the next life.

Mr. L paid two guys to take out a couple trees at the shop a few weeks ago, so I have more hope he will eventually be willing to pay someone to take care of the yard in SA than I had even last year. It was, and is a daunting task to beat it back. I may sneak across the street to find out contact information for the guys that do that yard. They do a pretty good job. One of Mr. L's best friends has a son (about my age) who has a yard business, so if we have anyone do it, it would probably be that guy. I may have to start suggesting that more openly.

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