Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When I started Createslate, I intended to gather a small group of writers and let us help each other. Chiefly, I thought, by lifting each other's spirits when we were down. I hadn't counted on all of the writers getting down at the same time. Yet that's what has happened here. Ironic?

Well, things will get better. Ups and downs are a writer's life. I don't know a creative person who doesn't experience them. The important thing to remember is that these dark moods do pass. We just have to wait them out.

Things that help me are:
- Get more sunlight.
- Get out of the house and around people. I like to visit my local library, which is always busy.
- Go to lunch with a friend.
- Change my routine.
- Talk my friends over the phone. (For some reason, chat and email don't lift my spirits the way an actual voice does.)
- Write a lot of dark, depressing poetry!
- Do something unexpected even to me.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Exercise. (Ugh. But it does work.)
- Caffeine in moderation.

What helps you get up and going again?


Wendy said...

Ironic? That's one word for it. I'd call it a pain in the rump, myself.

I do the things on your list (except writing poetry, and I'm not on the phone much), and I try to take semi-regular field trips. We have great museums here, and the St Louis Zoo is the best I've ever visited. I should take more field trips in the winter, but I don't. When it's cold I just want to hunker down at home, which is why, if I'm going to get depressed, it's likely going to be in the winter. It's the sunlight/exercise thing I guess.

I also like to play with yarn. I've learned to spin and knit in the last 6 months, and I'm going to try weaving here before too long. I finally got my loom warped so I can start, plus I have three knitting projects and one crochet project going. Working with fiber helps me work out plot lines.

Tammy Jones said...

I sew, I sleep, I sing, and I watch crappy tv. ;)

Jean said...

I know it will pass. Getting around people depresses me, so that doesn't work. Other than that, I do many of the things on Stephen's list.

If I'm here at the house by myself, I can go for weeks without talking with anyone but the cashier at the grocery store. Sometimes a neighbor will come by or I'll see them outside, and I enjoy talking with them.

If hubby weren't around, I'd talk to the cashier at the grocery store, the clerk at the city office when I pay the water bills, and the periodic neighbor.

I don't do sewing or fiber things. I like to read. Thankfully, it's been a while since I've been seriously bummed.

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