Saturday, March 26, 2011


Since Stephen and Jean are posting their to-do lists, I thought I'd chime in as well.

Sent M off to my agent on Thursday. It clocked in at a hair under 98,300 words, right about where I wanted it to be (I'd planned for between 90 and 100 k). It's a huge relief to have it out the door, but scary too. I'm pretty confident it'll sell, much less confident in my capability to handle such a sale without having another nervous breakdown. But I'll be fine. I'll be taking a week off from writing then returning to Dubric's fourth book (actually, it'll feature Lars a lot more than Dubric) and its working title is Stain of Corruption. I've posted all of the first chapter except the opening scene on tambowrites. It's in three pieces, but it's all there. I'm actually looking forward to making the team's lives miserable again. :p

Life is pretty much awesome except for one thing. Our 21 year old daughter moved out on her own a couple of weeks ago and she's doing well - VERY happy every time we talk to her but some minor money issues, which are totally expected and normal at her age - and, with the house to ourselves, Bill and I are spending more time together. Been cooking a lot, had some friends over the other night, and mostly things are just great.

Other than the (insert cuss word of choice here) post office threatening to close his sorting center and maybe leaving him without a job, that is. If the new contract gets accepted before they close the site, he's guaranteed a job - no idea where said job might be, but he'll have one. However, if the union fights it and it doesn't pass the vote, they'll negotiate the shop closing under the old contract which will potentially end his employment with the post office since he hasn't been there long enough to be 'vested'. Either way, we'll almost certainly have to move, the only thing that'll save us from that mess is if they decide to leave his processing center open. And, honestly, that's a longshot.

I love it up here and don't want to move! Waah!

Like everything else, the house is pretty much awesome. It's painted, it's gorgeous, and we're making it more 'us' every day. Of course we ripped out the old bathtub a couple of days before learning the post office was throwing our life into chaos, but otherwise it's great. Bill's been working on sprucing up the basement - painting the walls, wrapping pipes, that sort of thing - and we're both looking forward to doing some landscaping this spring.

This week, since I'm not writing, one of my major tasks is to declutter, prep for a yard sale, and do anything I can to get ready to move this summer/fall. 

Did I mention I don't wanna move?  Waah!

Um, learning my hubby might be unemployed in about 4 months has pretty much screwed over my diet, but I'm still trying. Holding steady at down 5 lbs from this time a month ago. Trying to make myself exercise, mostly because my strained muscles in my, well, butt are still giving me fits and it all feels better if I keep moving and exercising. Also having issues with my optic fluid separating from my retina in my left eye. Apparently this is a normal process, mine is just 'sticky' and there's a chance it might tear my retina. Whee.

Mostly, health is okay. Just the weight, the eye, and muscle cramps in my butt. Torn muscle butt cramps totally suck, btw, eye flickers are much more fun. ;)

Since I'd barely turned on my sewing machine this past month while focusing on getting M finished, I am woefully behind, but I did manage to finish piecing a quilt top today (complete with borders) and made a table runner for my kitchen table. Going to sew all week, since I'm not writing. Well, sew and get the house ready for sale. Waah!

Everything else Pets are fine, kid's fine, everything truly is fine. If it wasn't for the wonderful job news I'd be ecstatic! :)

I hope you all find your words and things start looking up for all of us.  {{huggs}}


Jean said...

Hugs. I really hope you don't have to move.

With the stress you've had this week, you're doing great to hold your on on the weight battle. Keep up the good work.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks. It helps not having anything too bad in the house. lol {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Congrats on sending M off! That's awesome!

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