Saturday, March 26, 2011

Report day

I've decided Saturday will be my report day here. It's obvious to me that I need a schedule to function more productively, so schedule I will have. Here's a brief recap of my year so far:

Not much work on Murder by the Mile. I got discouraged by the pointless route it was taking, and it's languished. To fix it, I'm having to lose (sigh) about 15,000 words. Admittedly, that's not too terrible objectively, but it feels terrible nonetheless. I did a lot of work on The World of Kiegarth, and it had its first "audition" a couple of weekends ago. WoK did well, but needs more work. I've tried to have an entry every day for my blog 51313 Harbort Street, although I have had to catch up on entries. Conclusion: Need to focus more time on writing.

Still trying to get back to a regular exercise (walking) routine. I'm doing better on this, and even when I don't make it to the gym, I'm trying to make time for other exercise, such as vigorous housework, dancing (gasp), and using my recumbent bike. Conclusion: Keep working on this. Health is too important.

Job search
Oh Lord, I hate to even talk about this discouraging mess. So I won't. Let's let it go with that I'm still out there and not giving up. Conclusion: Sigh.

Self improvement
I've been attending various courses online, not for credit, but just to learn new things. In May, I'll be taking my first class at the local vo-tech on using Excel. I've noticed a lot of job requirements list having a working knowledge of Excel, and I know nothing about it. So I'm taking beginning Excel the first week of May. In June, I intend to take Intermediate Excel, and in July, Expert Excel. Will look good on my resume, I hope. Conclusion: Committed to doing this more.

Had my first garage sale, which was a success, and I intend to have at least two more. I like the money, like the space in my closets, and liked talking to the people who came by. I hope to declutter more as spring progresses. Conclusion: Clutter is bad. Keep fighting it.

And that's my first Saturday Report. How are things for you?


Jean said...

One way to reinforce your learning with Excel would be to create spreadsheets for things you need or want to track in your personal life -- exercise logs, writing logs, finances, etc.

I suggest this, because the classes are great for helping you to know what Excel can do, but until you actually make it do something, you'll find you quickly forget what you learn.

There are so many things an Excel Ranger can make the program do. It boggles the mind. (You haven't seen nothing until you see an entire personnel data base pivoted -- no, I can't claim credit for it, but I have a friend who can make Excel do amazing things, and I learned a few things from him.)

Tammy Jones said...

Sounds like you're having a tough week {{huggs}} Good luck on the classes! I can't imagine tackling excel!

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