Saturday, June 30, 2012

Half Way.

Yes, we're half way through 2012.  I'm not sure if that's something to be excited about or not.  Probably a good time for reflection.  I looked back on my goals for this year, and I see trouble. As with the year, this week was a mixed bag.

The Good Stuff:
- I did track on WW
- I did finish sanding the back of the garage (this afternoon)
- I got a few blog posts scheduled, but the whole schedule looks overwhelming.  I'm not sure where I want to trim it.  Maybe the posts I'm avoiding?
- I did get a little work done for PBOTL.  Maybe a couple of pages.  I want to pick up the pace.
- I think it's too early to credit the anti-inflammatory efforts, but my knees have felt a little better this week.  If I concentrate on it, I've been able to walk up and down stairs mostly normally -- not the one step and one leg at a time toddler walk I've been able to do recently.  In fact, I've had to retrain myself to try to walk it normally, because I mostly can.
- I stuck with Step 1+ on the anti-inflammatory diet.  No soft drinks. Instead of fried chicken on Tuesday night, I picked up the roasted chicken version (which, frankly, I prefer anyway, but I didn't know they had it until last time I was in there).
 - Nurse Practioner thinks my thumb has been aggravated by the work we're doing on the house and issued me a brace with a thumb spika.  She said to wear it while I was working, but that renders work impossible, so I'm wearing it to bed at night.
 2012 Good Stuff:
- Hubby and my relationship is mostly in a pretty good place, but I'm feeling picked on by him lately.  He claims he's trying to get me to laugh??  Mostly, he's making me feel unliked.  Does that sound contradictory?  I hope you understand what I mean.
- Although my progress on PBOTL has slowed, it is still progressing
- Durant's History of Civilization reading is progressing

The Not So Good Stuff:
- I still didn't ride the bike or squeegee the shop windows.
- I didn't make additional progress on planning Step 2 of anti-inflammation
2012 Not So Good Stuff:
- I said I planned to participate more at Forward Motion.  I just don't see it happening.  I'm not sure if coasting along there like I am is fine, or if something needs to change. I suppose if I quit worrying about it and just do what I do, that would be fine.
- I'm not really making better use of my on line time, and that may be why the planned blog schedule isn't sitting well with me -- it's ambitious, but is it really a worthwhile use of my time?  Maybe not.
- I'm reminded that I planned to study the craft of storytelling, and that has slipped by the wayside.
- I'm getting the Federalist Papers installments, but I'm mostly skimming them and filing them.  They are not engaging reading.

The Week Ahead:
- Continue tracking WW. I finished the week with all my activity points intact and even two of my weekly points remaining, but I didn't lose any weight.  Chalking that up to just the way things are.
- Get the meals planned.
- Monitor points on Independence Day.  We've been invited to some friends' for their annual get together, which always has yummy stuff.  I think I can balance things out okay. Not going to worry too much.
- Plan Step 2 of Anti-Inflammation
- Work on PBOTL
- Do the blog posts and modify the schedule as needed to find the balance I'm looking for


Jean said...

I think I'm going to drop the Gratitude and Twit Topic posts. I may drop one of the Positive posts as well. The other thing subject to being dropped is the Blog Topic Generator post.

Jean said...

And the book review and the discussion on Durant. I've paused them and the other items in Things, and may reactivate them at a later time. Or delete them if I decide not to do them. That gets me down to either one post five days a week or, on days there are more than one, at least they are posts I'm already inclined to do.

Wendy said...

FWIW, and you may have already done this, but try to figure out why you were procrastinating on those particular subjects. You might be able to kill two birds with one stone (procrastination analysis and writing craft) with Steven Pressfield's books, The War of Art and Turning Pro. Both have been very helpful for me and may help you mark a couple things off your annual list.

Jean said...

I've heard a lot of people talking about The War of Art lately. Every single time, I read it as The Art of War and think, I already have that. But, of course, I don't. I'm thinking of Sun Tzu.

We went to Waco today and visited Books-A-Million and Barnes and Noble. I'll be darned if I could figure out where either of them are shelved. I love Amazon when I'm looking for something specific. I'll probably drag those down to the Kindle app and give them a read.

I will look at those topics for why I'm procrastinating on them, but for now, I'm going to scale back the size of the project. Having done that, I feel better about it.

SBB said...

Love "The War of Art." I have the books in paperback and on my Nook. I also have his "Do The Work." And I want to recommend M.J. Ryan's "This Year I Will..." which is a broader approach to resistance and procrastination that I found helpful.

I hope you blog a lot this month. You've inspired me to post something every day on Harbor Street this month.

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