Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good Stuff:
- Swam 3 times.
- Started plotting the book I was researching in RI, mostly as a Busman's Holiday from the current WIP.
- Remembered to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. No cavities!
- Stopped taking my ADD meds, and I haven't noticed a marked difference in my cognitive state. I get distracted a little more easily than I did, but I expected that and am compensating with sticky notes.
- Finally got Eric to go to the farmers' market in St Louis. It's a good two blocks long in a fixed site (since 1779) and open-year around, and it still took me almost 8 years to get him to go with me! We got the best prime rib sliced into steaks for dinner tonight. Of course, Alex is home, so there are no left-overs.
- Took the kids with me to the St. Andrew social (dinner and drinks with friends from a Scottish society). Alex's girlfriend, Emma, ended up tagging along, and my friends didn't scare her. :-) Of course, we've known Emma for years, so I was pretty sure they wouldn't. She and Vicky were in the same confirmation class at church. It's odd that we've been in one place long enough to have developed history.
- Cleaned up my office. I was looking for a specific notebook. Cleaning was more of a by-product since I never found the notebook.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Despite tracking food, exercising, and having points left over at the end of the week, I gained a couple of pounds. I have been sugar bingeing in frustration. Semi-sweet chocolate chips are my new best friend, and that has to stop. Now.
- Apparently, the energy burst that was the catalyst for getting off the ADD meds was a fluke. Energy and concentration have not improved the way I had hoped. I'm trying out a magnesium supplement to see if that helps.

This Week:
- Back off the daggone sugar! Ice cream every day is not a necessity!
- Swim at least 3 times.
- Don't forget to go to lunch with Diana. Ditto Jen's art show.
- Finish wedding petticoat. Figure out what fabric to use for the short gown that will go with it. (Yes, when I get the whole get-up done, I'll put it on and post pics.)
- Work on either of the two books.
- Varnish the camp bed pieces, preferably before it gets back up to 100*.


Jean said...

I guess Eric figured if the Farmer's Market has been there since 1779, it would be there anytime. ;)

I have noticed an increase in "I need to remember..." items as you've been weaning off ADD. Just an observation. It's not necessarily bad, but as an outsider, it seems mildly amusing. For you, it's likely incredibly anxiety inducing, though. Why is it so hard to put ourselves into someone else's shoes when the experience is so different from our own (rhetorical question -- the answer of course, is the experience is so different from our own, so we have trouble doing just that)?

Well, a single serving (as measured on the container) of ice cream every day is certainly okay. But, if you're like me, that single serving tends to be the size of the largest bowl you can find. We try to get the single serving cups. That helps contain the orgy, but it's even better not to have it in the house. I think we have a half gallon container of Vanilla (hubby's favorite; not so much mine) in the freezer now. It's way in the back, and I'm not sure how much is in there, because I'm avoiding it.

SBB said...

There are plenty of low carb, low calorie ice creams out there. You can even make your own. I crave ice cream every now and then, but usually one cup satisfies me. On a hot summer afternoon, ice cream is a true, luxurious treat.

I am a great believer in lists. I don't know why, since I usually know what I need to do in a day. But it pleases me to check off items. And they do help me to stay on track. Particularly on days when the black dog has me by the throat.

I keep intending to make it to our local farmers market. They do have good produce, but many times, they're more expensive than the local supermarkets. The quality is sometimes better, but sometimes not.

Wendy said...

Jean, I usually do pretty well on portion size. Generally, a half cup will satisfy me, which is why I'm frustrated that I've gained weight. Eric pointed out that it could be increased muscle mass, but I haven't worked out enough to gain that much muscle, and my poochy belly is a little poochier. The last couple of days, the pitfall has been the chocolate chips because they're not only chocolate, they crunch between my teeth.

Wendy said...

Stephen, I'm surprised that your farmers market is more expensive than the grocery store. Our local one is a lot cheaper. The one in StL is probably close to supermarket prices, but the stuff in season is local, and the commissary isn't known for selling local produce. I have found a lower calorie ice cream that I really like so it's not as bad as it was.

Wendy said...

Oh, and Jean, it's not as anxiety inducing as you might think. It's more a matter, at this point, of recognizing that it's how my brain works in its natural state and coming up with ways to work with it instead of trying to make it work the way I think it should. It's sort of like my hair. I can try to make to look a certain way with gels and sprays, or I can be zen and let it do what it's going to do.

I've come to terms with my natural ditziness and have even learned to exploit in when I need to. :)

SBB said...

It's been a while since I've gone, but when I did, I discovered tomatoes were cheaper, squash was more, lettuce about the same, watermelons cheaper, onions cheaper. That's all I purchased.

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