Sunday, September 16, 2012

Poking the book with a stick.

Pretty much the same-o, same-o here. Still struggling to get past the big hurdle before the rush to the end in SPORE - oh, why does this book fight me so?? - but I did finish all of my chapter graphics. Need to make a small word change to one - change an Arkansas town to one in northern Missouri - but otherwise, they're good. I'm on Chapter 19 and of course Sean is being a poo-head and not wanting to play. Oh well, I'll poke him with a stick long enough and he'll start moving forward again.

Life is mostly pretty good. Still so thankful that Laura's working. Woot! She worked every day this week, and is scheduled for Tues-Fri next week. Double woot! This was supposed to be just a 2-3 day a week job, but apparently they really like her and she's doing awesome. Least that's how it sounds on Laura's end. :)

Bill rewired the upstairs lights today, was a mess he'd been putting off for months, but we really wanted it done before winter. They were wired with the old cloth-wrapped wiring and some of the connections were crappy - Laura could only have a 40 wat bulb in her room or she'd blow her circuit - but it's all fixed now. :) Let's just say he cussed a lot crawling around in attic insulation and fishing wires through the walls. But it's done! Yay!!

I have decided I'm sick and tired of being fat and tired so I went to a Weight Watchers open house yesterday (Saturday) in Ames. Was the closest to our house, even tho it was more than an hour away. I could have driven up to Minnesota instead, there are so few options up here for that, but there are local Weight Watcher chapters, only they almost all meet on Tuesday evening, which I absolutely cannot do.  One place has meetings on Thursday evenings, and I'll visit them this week to see if I like it and think it'll help me. I really need a meeting, I think. I spend pretty much all of my time essentially alone (or with a 10 month old) since Bill, Laura and I all have our own computer activities. I'm freaking LONELY and I need to not be such a hermit. I'm also going to try to root out a TOPS meeting and see how that goes. So I guess we'll see.

I sent out 10 more queries last weekend, one rejection has come back but no word from the rest. Keeping my fingers crossed that the right agent will love my work.

{{huggs}} all around and have a great week!


SBB said...

Hugs right back to you!

I'm excited to hear about progress on SPORE. That book is a winner.

And going to Weight Watchers is a great move! Good for you!

Jean said...

Glad to hear Laura's job is going well, AND that Bill got the upstairs rewired. So very nice.

I think Weight Watchers has a lot to offer, and I've heard good things about TOPS as well. I hope one of the meetings "clicks" for you. That's a solid assessment about the loneliness and the value of meeting in person. I do it on line, but I'm comfortable with that. I think your case is different.

Fingers crossed for good news from the queries.

Tammy Jones said...

Received another declination today - she was very sweet and appolgetic about it, tho - as well as an incredible email from a VERY respected agent who didn't like Morgan but LOVED Spore and wanted to know if I'd be all right with her not taking both. Of course i said yes and she's eagerly waiting for me to finish.

So, yay! Right??

Jean said...

I think that's a yay. Bummer Morgan didn't speak to her, but if she loves SPORE, that's a place to start.

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