Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday. Again.

How is it the weeks seem so long but pass two at a time? There must be a disturbance in the time/space continuum. I blame Q.

Good Stuff:
- Had a good visit with Alex. He divided his time between homework and his girlfriend, but at least this time she came here a few times instead of him spending all his time at her house. She's a homebody. He got back safely yesterday afternoon. As far as I can tell, he didn't forget to take anything back with him.
- The last kitchen cabinet has been installed. We're down to the last bit of counter.
- Seeds are started. I already have baby tomatoes sprouting.
- Got some decluttering done.
- We bought a new kitchen table and two living room chairs. The counter height table with move to the dining room, which doubles as my apothecary. Our oldest couch (the yellow flowered one, Jean) will also move temporarily to the dining room until Alex can come get it. Or until I get sick of looking at it and rent a UHaul trailer to schlep it up to him. New stuff will be delivered a week from Wednesday.
- Logged a little mall time with Vicky (she needed a scrubs jacket before she starts her OR training), and we did manage to get the whole family (including the girlfriend) together for dinner.
- I don't mean to go bragging mom all over you guys, but can I just say I'm proud of the people my kids have become? They're heading for really good things, and they get along with each other, which is better than I hoped for years ago! Shoot, they get along better than Eric and I do with our siblings.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Did not start practicing the Warrior Queen stories. I have a bit less then three weeks, and I need to tweak costuming so each queen has her own look. Don't want to be haunted or anything.
- I also have a bit less than three weeks to get through at least some of the history books my bard gave me to read. Just goes to show I need deadlines or I procrastinate.
- Blah blah blah clutter. Yup, same old stuff there.
- Jumped through hoops between the doctor and Tricare. There was a billing glitch on the ultrasound I had in December and the hospital it trying to charge way more than we should be paying. That was a lot more time wasted on the phone than I would have liked. It's still not resolved. I have to follow up with the nurse this afternoon.
- Really have to stop shopping for a while.

Not Sure:
- Merry Maids comes to do a quote tomorrow. No idea what to expect but I'm pretty sure my house isn't ready. Terrified she's going to think I'm a slob and reminding myself she probably sees worse all the time. In any case, I'll let you all know what she says.

This Week:
- Warrior Queens--practice and send MP3 files to the band so they can practice "with" me.
- Finish at least two chapters of Building Truth (formerly known as Tim).
- Fill another box or two to donate. Stop shopping and fill boxes. That's the clutter solution.
- Finish putting away kitchen stuff.
- Deal with workers (hopefully the counter people will be here this week) and Tricare.


Jean said...

Definitely Q. So glad to hear your kids are getting along well with each other.

Good luck with Tricare. I take it you're not on Prime? They're telling me I'm not eligible this year unless I sign a distance waiver I've already signed, so I think I'll be able to retain it, but if the premium costs jump above $1000 a year like they seem to want to make them do, I'll probably have to shift off it to Standard. Which, as far as I can tell, puts a lot more of the administrative effort onto me.

I put a non-working TV out by the trash stop for the shop this morning, and it was gone with in minutes. (I love how that works here.) I hope whomever got it knows how to fix a TV power supply. If they do, they got a good TV, VCR, DVD combo unit.

Wendy said...

Yeah, we are on Prime. My copay was supposed to be $12. They're trying to charge me $128 because they didn't get a referral letter from my doctor, who works for the same hospital. I do know they got the referral letter to send me to OB because my choices were to go to the clinic on base, or go to a doctor of my choice and pay half of all the costs. Wow, some choice.

We talked about putting the couch on the curb, but I wanted to pass it through the kids first. We have space to put it in the DR (I think). We can make it work for a few months.

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