Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wasted Time

I finally went to the doctor on Wednesday, because I went to bed about six the night before and felt like I had a fever all night -- the digital thermometer repeatedly beeped wildly and flashed 100.5 or 100.6 all night whenever I checked.  I was huddled under blankets and I provided more than enough body heat but never felt warm enough to throw the covers off like I typically do several times a night.  The temperature remained the same in the morning, so I made an appointment with my doctor.  By the time they saw me at 11:30, my temperature was 98.  Go figure.  I still felt like I was running a fever, but it did feel better by the time I got home.  The doctor attributed it to a combination of allergies and viruses, but I have no known allergies.  He gave me prescriptions for a Z-Pack and some cough medicine if it gets any worse and recommended the generic versions of Mucinex DM and Alavert, which I picked up at the grocery store on the way home.  I don't think I'm going to need to fill the prescriptions.

The Good Stuff:
  • I've slept much better the last two nights.  Perhaps attributable to the Mucinex DM?  I'm not sure.  I'm coughing while I'm awake, but once I lay down to sleep, I don't appear to be coughing too badly.  Must be partially psychosomatic.
  • I have been making some progress on CAT EYES.  The rewrite (and it's an entire rewrite -- no words have been copied or pasted, but characters are being reused) stands at 1300 words.  I stopped at a place last night, because I wasn't sure what the conflict was.  It came to me last night before going to sleep, so I jotted it in the Plain Text app on the iPad to keep it from disappearing.  I've been able to flesh the idea out a little more for a conflict between Fantusie and her mother as well as internal conflict for Mrs. Foster (that I can't show directly, because she isn't a POV character).  We'll see if I can pull it off.
  • I rode the bike, did morning pages, and tracked on Lose It!.  If I count the two days I went over by less than a 100 calories as being "under," I hit the five day goal (but the two days I was over were REALLY over).  
  • I did get one day's work on the crape (I have been spelling it wrong) myrtles done. I still have three to clear around the bottom, and I have a lot of major pruning to do yet.
  • My mom was briefly in the hospital, but they decided a change they made in her medicine wasn't agreeing with her, made the change back, and sent her home saying she was fine, so I hope that's good news.
  • Mr. L and I got a few reorganizing chores done this morning.  We moved a dog panel to the shop to form the final roof piece for his tool cage; we got the behemoth 26" TV from the den moved to the shop (we replaced it with a 32" HD flat screen months ago--somehow I moved it up there by myself in 2008, but I could barely lift it this year); moved the dog houses and a metal cot over the the store from out of the garage.  I'm going to use the 26" TV with my Wii instead of the 13" one I was using.
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • The heat pump started freezing up (they're only supposed to do that when it's really, really cold -- it was in the 70s here).  A $60 capacitor and labor costs later (got the bill today), it's working great.  Apparently HVAC labor costs go for $160 an hour for a competent technician.  I had two half-competent technicians who, together, formed one reasonably competent one, so I only got charged $80 an hour (times two).  Watching them work, it was as if each one had a piece of the puzzle that the other didn't have.  (Nice guys, but I'm shaking my head -- they installed the unit four years ago, so they aren't that young or inexperienced.)
  • No work on PBOTL this week.
  • I'm still struggling to know the right way to try to interact with Rossie.  I think I'm trying too hard, but I don't want to just ignore her, either.  She wants to interact with me, but I seem to keep doing something that breaks her tenuous trust, so we don't quite make the connection.  I've apologized to her and told her I'm trying to figure it out.  She just looks at me.
The Week Ahead:
  • We've decided to get Ruby and Delta different color collars to make it easier to tell them apart. They are very different cats, but at a glance, I keep calling them by the wrong names.  
  • See if I can finish the Cat Eyes draft (and come up with an appropriate name).
  • Continue riding, morning pages, and tracking.
  • We've decided to resume the annual the yard sale the first weekend in April.  Since I'm having endometrial ablation surgery on April 1, we have to have everything set up before the end of the month, so we're getting the shop ready, setting up tables, unpacking yard sale stuff, and making sure prices are set.  We'll start work on that this week.
  • Yard work -- mowing at house and store -- and crape myrtle pruning
  • Take Lady for her follow-up with the vet this week
  • Heading to Houston Friday for a swap meet and seafood dinner at Babin's.  We'll be back Saturday.  This is an inaugural weekend with all 8 cats left on their own.  Will they demolish the house?


Wendy said...

Glad you're feeling better.

I had an endometrial ablation about 7 years ago. It's not something to be concerned about. I hope you get e results you want.

Jean said...

Good to hear. I hope so, too!

Tammy Jones said...

The cats won't destroy the house, but they will modify it to better suit their needs. Mostly, you'll find cat hair in places they're not supposed to be and soft things flattened from being slept on. And, yes, Lady will drag things around. Expect surprises there. ;)

I'm glad the Mucinex is helping. Since I'm not supposed to take Sudafed anymore (being cut off from my 'able to breathe' addiction still makes me cuss), all I'm allowed is Mucinex. If I'm cloggy, I take one before bed, and it has been better. It's good stuff, and apparently not dangerous to take frequently. Who knew? ;)

Rossie. {{huggs}} I suggest talking to her, in whatever form works best (baby talk, general conversational, mrorowing, tongue clicking) just to let her know you see her and want to interact, let her sniff your offered hand, that kinda thing, but otherwise it's up to her, on her schedule. You can't force some things, but I truly believe when she does come around she will be YOUR CAT always and forever. And it'll be cool. :)

Ya know, Jean, even when you're sick you totally astound me with all that you accomplish! {{huggs}}

SBB said...

I hope you're feeling better soon.

And for a sick person, man, you get a lot of stuff done! You shame me, you do. :)

Jean said...

I decided I can't do the collars for the kittens. I put Delta in the harness for a couple of hours and kept having to find her to make sure she hadn't gotten caught on something and wasn't dead somewhere.

When I was a young teenager, we'd had to put my sister's cat on a chain to keep him home, and he'd gone through the fence and jumped over the fence to come back to our yard. The chain was just long enough to get through and let him jump back over but not long enough to let him land, so, in essence, he hung himself. I found him. I've never been able to put a cat in a collar since. I know it's not completely rational, but, apparently, it haunts me.

Tammy Jones said...

We've never collared our cats for the same reason. With all the crawling and jumping they do, they can get caught up on almost anything and strangle themselves.

You *could*, however, mark one of them on the back of the head (where they can't easily clean it off) with like a smear of canola oil or a little peroxide to bleach out a spot? Something harmless and non toxic so if it's the cat with the spot, you know it's Ruby. Maybe?

Jean said...

Funny you should suggest that. They each already have a marker on their heads that occurs naturally that we use to tell them apart, but it's tough from across the room. Ruby has a little white spot on the base of her left ear that looks like it's going to fall off her head at any moment, but it's firmly attached. Delta has a light tan spot at the base of her right ear. Those are the easiest ways to tell them apart. Delta's a little bigger; Ruby's quite petite, but for some reason, it's not easy to discern them when across the room from us. You'd think the size difference would do it, but it doesn't. Personality-wise, they are a little different, too. Delta's a rag doll (I could easily see some kid dressing her up in doll clothes and Delta putting up with it), and Ruby has a little more spunk, but she loves to push into your stroking once you get started.

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