Monday, July 1, 2013

A Subplot Too Far

I felt much better about Murder by the Mile after I decided that there would be at least one more book. I was trying to wrap all the subplots mentioned and developed in the first two books, and the goal was making the third book clumsy and lumpy. I was trying to shoehorn everything in, and it just didn't work.

Sounds weird, but by removing about 10,000 words and several scenes, I'm back on schedule. Yeah, I know. I wouldn't thought it, either.

This isn't a promise to write the fourth book, but it is an realization that I don't have to wrap everything up. Life doesn't.

Otherwise, not much else to tell you.
- The new anthology from the writing group is on track. It should publish in the middle or end of July. If you'd like a copy, you can get a signed one from me for $12 plus $3 for shipping. Let me know.
- MBTM should go to the proofers on August 1st. I'm aiming for an official publication date of September 1st, but it should be out sooner than that if all goes well.
- Undying: Poems of Fantasy and Science Fiction should go the proofers on September. It's "official" publication date is October 1st, just in time for Halloween. These poems quite dark and unnerving. Or at least my first readers have found them so, and that was my intention.
- Got a lot of chores done. Been using my 20 List again. Has helped a lot.

This week:
- Continue to work on MBTM.
- Enjoy the 4th of July.
- Chores.
- A doctor's checkup for my diabetes.
- Continue the diet and be better at it.
- Swim in my little pool a few times.

Hope you have a great week.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Yes, I would like an autographed copy of the anthology.

Glad you found a solution for MBTM. Looking forward to that, too.

I'm wondering if watermelon doesn't agree with me. I got one on Sunday and have eating it. By Monday afternoon, my knees were in pain. I have a little less than half of the behemoth watermelon left. I feel obligated to finish it, but if my knees stop hurting afterward, I won't be getting another one. I guess all fruits aren't necessarily the answer.

Hope your doctor visit went well.

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