Sunday, July 14, 2013

So quiet...

The Boys have gone home. Alex went back to college today. Let the boring begin! I have about 2 weeks before I head to MI for a few days with the parents. I did see on Facebook this week that Southwest Airlines is starting non-stop service from St. Louis to Grand Rapids, MI in August. That's on the west side, and my parents are on the east, but the fares are cheap and I could rent a car, go see Grandma (on the west side, less than an hour south of Grand Rapids) and head east. Pretty excited about that prospect and it will be a great option if I have to get up there in a hurry.

Good Stuff:
- Obviously, the best part was that the Boys were here. We saw quite a bit of Vicky, too, considering she was back to work and school last week.
- We went to see Despicable Me 2, which I thought was very cute. No one else was too impressed. The plot left a lot to be desired but it was funny.
- The Egyptian exhibit at the Science Center left a lot to be desired, too, but it was geared more for kids. It would have been great when we first got here and were homeschooling. The movie that went with it was better.
- I got Danny and Greg in the back yard with the practice swords. That was entertaining! They were scared to hit me. I actually had to give them permission and promise to hit them back. Danny went with me to fencing class yesterday and got one on one instruction. He went in November, too, and learned the basic attacks and defenses. He's been shadow fencing for six months. The problem with practicing alone is that you don't get hit in your weak spots, so you practice them, too. He has a better idea now of what to work on, and I encouraged him to look around for a combat fencing group in his area. With instruction and regular practice, he could kick butt and take names.
- I got a call from a lady I met when I went to talk to the nursing homes about story telling. She's moved to a different facility and called to ask if I would come there, too. They have a breakfast one Saturday a month, and the soonest we could agree on is November, but I'm good with that. The exciting part is that she called me!

Not So Good Stuff:
- I gained another 5 lbs. That puts me within 6 lbs of my delivery weight with Alex. It's time to get serious again about logging food and stepping up the exercise. The Couch To 5K app has been downloaded to my phone, and Greg and I are going to run a 5K when he comes back for Thanksgiving. I need to lose 10 lbs, but I'm shooting for 20. I have jiggly bits that have never jiggled before and I don't like that!
- The only writing I've gotten done in the last 2 weeks was to flesh out a plot bunny. In true form, I got my ideas down and started research. After a little preliminary reading that allowed me to tweak the idea a little, I started looking on Amazon for resource material before I remembered that I have a book to finish first. :-P
- I have my first nursing home story telling this week and haven't started practicing. I do have an idea of what stories I want to tell, but some of them I've never told before.

This Week:
- Watch calories and exercise.
- Rehearse for story telling.
- Write. Need book words. My dreams are getting more bizarre by the night.
- Laundry, dishes, etc.

1 comment:

Tammy Jones said...

Other than the weight gain, it sounds like you've had a really great couple of weeks. So, so glad you got to hang out with your kids! {{hugs}}

And, yes, please write!!

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