Monday, August 4, 2014

Old Days New

I got everything done last week I planned to get done -- at least as far as Createslate is concerned.  There was plenty I didn't get done, but what I committed to here got done.

129 Amselstrasse, after today's work, stands at nearly six full pages.  Of course, this means I'm going to go back through and flesh things out a little more to get that extra page in there.  I think I navigated the coffee shop scene acceptably to bring us to the ending.

I got very little done on Kitty City and Polar Bear on the Loose, but I did get some time on both earlier in the week.

Mr. L and I had to go out to the ranch yesterday to get some things from our car trailer out there.  While there, we sited where to put the deer feeder and game camera.  I'll probably set that up on Wednesday or Thursday this week while he's in San Antonio getting his stitches out.  I want to get going on our census-taking.  That will mean no more kitty pictures, but that means I'll start talking about deer and other critters.  I'm branching out.  Grin.  Mr. L is certain I'll be getting another game camera to track the cats, and he's probably right.

I had no luck capturing Big Gray (I'm thinking of calling him Frosty), but I did observe him in the trap, carefully picking the Fancy Feast off the trip pad with his paws. He'd allow it to stick to his paws, then eat the food off his paws.  He was very careful not to trip the trigger.  The cat is amazing.

The Week Ahead:
  • Take care of Central Texas yard work
  • Get the deer feeder assembled and installed at the ranch.
  • Reprogram the outside feeder, because it just dropped food at 10 pm.  It's supposed to do it at 10 AM.  Oops.  That means it will probably drop at 3 am, because it was supposed to drop at 3 PM and didn't.  Definitely going to have to look at that!
  • Work on Kitty City, Polar Bear on the Loose, and 129 Amselstrasse
  • Do my best to trap Big Gray and get him checked out
  • Do some prep work for setting up at the Giddings Swap Meet at the end of the month.  We have some pricing to do as well as making sure everything is gathered together and ready to load on the trailers.
Have a great week.  Tammy -- you'll be in my thoughts on Wednesday.


Wendy said...

Sounds like a good week. I'm looking forward to the critter pictures. Getting an extra page on 129 Amselstrasse shouldn't be too much of a chore. I'll take a look at it today and send my thoughts to you. Often for me it's one little nugget that knocks everything into place. Not sure if you've found that to be true. You seemed a little overwhelmed at the end of our time yesterday. I hope not. It's a good story. I little more polish will make it great.

Jean said...

You didn't see Mr. L stumble by after being in bed all day not feeling well. I was concerned for him.

As for the story, I was processing your excellent feedback and trying to integrate it not only with how the story was but with what it will eventually be. I'm certain that made me look overwhelmed. If so, it wasn't a bad overwhelmed.

Just seeing the news that Tammy's surgery went well. Yay.

Wendy said...

Oh, dear, is he all right?

Jean said...

Yes. When he was in Dallas this weekend, he didn't notice the motel AC was cranked down to 66, so he came home with a chest cold. He went to bed after breakfast yesterday and stayed there all day until he came down to make soup for supper, work on the jigsaw puzzle, and return to bed. Last night, he told me he thought he was all "slept out," which I took as a good sign. He was pretty good this morning, and he called me after he had dinner with a friend and said he was feeling much better. He has a doctor appointment tomorrow, and he's going to get the chest cold thing checked out as well, but we don't anticipate any problems. He'll run a few errands, and he plans to be home tomorrow night.

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