Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 11

Had a lovely couple of days on this eleventh week of March.  Reporting in a day late, because hubby and I spent the weekend in Houston.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, but no progress this week. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 279 days.  I've written 15,719 words so far this month (plus a few that got lost during the site outage at the beginning of the month). 

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged three times this week. (Forgive me Father, for I have blogged?)
- I posted marathons to FM

- Millie and Dazzle are still at the resort.  I think they like it there, but I'll pick them up in the morning.
- The cats (and the house) survived the weekend home alone.

- Most of the yard sale stuff is set up and priced.
- Mowed the yard to get the weeds down

- Recumbent bike riding is going well.
- I've lost two sacks of flour since the beginning of the month.  Very pleased with progress on WW.
 - I logged 16.6 miles for Walk Across Texas. 

The drop off in writing/revising is cause for concern.  It's not an uncommon pattern, but it's pretty visible when I post here each week. 


SBB said...

Jean, you rock!

Jean said...

Thank you, Stephen! (For some reason, I needed to hear that this morning, and, for that comment, you are THE MAN.)

Did anyone read my first sentence? Are you laughing as hard as I am? Really? The ELEVENTH week of MARCH? When did March get eleven weeks? Is that why the month can seem so long?

OK, you knew I meant the 11th week of 2011. You read it the way it was meant. No proofreading duties for you. ;) Oh. You planned it that way? I see how you are. :D

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