Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 12

My, my.  The 12th week of the year already.  Who would have guessed?   Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, but no progress this week.  That's two weeks in a row.  Not acceptable. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 285 days.  I've written 20,371 words so far this month (plus a few that got lost during the site outage at the beginning of the month).

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.

- Millie and Dazzle are doing well.  Dazzle's coat isn't showing signs of her allergy yet, but there is a spot on her leg I'll need to keep an eye on.  I suspect I'll have to resume her allergy medicine soon.
- Brushed them both for a few minutes today. 
- The kittens were supposed to get spayed/neutered on Friday, but hubby succumbed to their pleading and he fed them in the morning.  I rescheduled for Wednesday.  He claims he didn't know you couldn't eat before surgery.  I suppose it's possible -- I don't think he's ever been under general anesthesia.

- Yard sale is ready to go with the exception of a couple signs hubby wants to make.
- I tried to submit the ad to the paper on Friday, but the woman who does that sort of thing wasn't there, so I'll try again on Monday morning -- I've had this problem both times I've submitted ads to the paper.  The editor used to be our neighbor.  Next time I see him, I may mention job security it nice, but if this happens to more people than me, that might explain low advertising revenue.
- Digging more weeds, trimming crape myrtles.  All but one tree has leafed out.

- Recumbent bike riding is going well -- rode twice this week (knees do not like this, but they don't like anything).
- Stagnant week on WW.  Seems to have kind of that one step forward, one step sideways, one leap forward, one step sideways "gait" to it.  I'm disappointed but not discouraged.  Next week should be better.
- I logged 15.3 miles for Walk Across Texas.


Tammy Jones said...

Sounds liek you're doing really great in everything but writing on PBOTL. Can you just commit to one paragraph? Something? {{huggs}}

Jean said...

My goal is 30 minutes a day. But, yes, I will work on it this afternoon -- and will report back when I'm done.

Jean said...

OK. Done!

Tammy Jones said...


SBB said...

Congrats on your writing, Jean!

Every time I read your report, I get jealous and tired. :) You're a super blur, you are.

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