Sunday, June 12, 2011


It's been a busy day. I had church, and went from there right to work. Now I'm done, and I have no place I need to be until Tuesday at 6 a.m., which is good, because my van is in the shop. Eric took it for an oil change yesterday and they discovered it needs to brake pads, rotors, and bearings. I know, those aren't related to oil, but I have noticed it's been driving different lately, and that's one thing we haven't done on it yet.

Writing: I downloaded The Snowflake Method software the other day and started plotting Honor in more detail. I did get some other writing done, too, before that but not really that much. A few thousand words. I have high hopes for this software. If it helps me get the hard stuff out of the way so I can enjoy the rest of the process, I'll be a happy camper. If nothing else it should help with the synopsis.

Clutter: Hmm. Nope. I was doing good to vacuum and keep the dishes under control this week.

Health: Down another 2/10ths of a pound. I've slowed to snails pace. I have gotten a fair amount of walking in at work the last few days, enough to earn some activity points with steps. I'm thinking it's time to quit being stubborn and start swimming. I used to swim laps when I had to take my kids to the pool, but they don't need me with them now. It just seems like so much trouble to swim laps, but I guess if I do it a couple days a week it won't be too bad.

Misc: Gearing up for the next two waves of company. My family comes back in 10 days for Eric's graduation, and a few days after they leave, the Boys will be here for the reunion. I was looking at my calendar last night, and it's packed until July 9th, when the Boys leave. Then it drops off to, "work, yoga, band practice". Thank goodness. I've had the hazy crazy days of summer. I'm ready for a little lazy.


Tammy Jones said...

It sounds like things are going pretty good, all in all, and I know you'll beat this weight loss plateau! {{huggs}}

Jean said...

I'm with Tammy -- sounds good, and you're doing well on your plateau. Hang in there.

I've heard good things on The Snowflake Method. I'm not so sure it's right for me, but I've heard a few people are very pleased with it. It sounds like you're getting good results, so I'll give a big, happy cheer!

Glad you caught the brakes and rotors before they caused any serious problems. Congratulations to Eric on graduation, and I hope you have great times with family and The Boys.

SBB said...

Wendy, I'm with Tammy and Jean! The weight loss will come as long as you continue to do the right things. Soon you will be flying off that plateau.

I've not heard of the Snowflake Method, I don't think. I'll look it up. I roughly outline my mysteries, but don't anything else. On "Murder by the Mile," I wrote it for NANO with no outline. I missed putting in clues and dropped in a lot of subplots that didn't belong to get my words. Sigh. But I'll work it out as you will with your book.

And a few thousand words is nothing to dismiss. I'd love to have a few thousand words!

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