Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday again?

Wow, that was a fast week. It's been a quiet weekend. Alex drove back up to the college with a friend to take our patio set to the frat house and bring back his loft so we'd have an extra bed when the boys come. Unfortunately he didn't realize he'd forgotten the allen wrench he needs to disassemble it until this morning, so he's bringing back the mattress. Oh well. My patio is bigger, and he can sleep on the floor when the boys are here!

Writing: I've been working with the Snowflake Method to plot Honor. It's been helpful. I can't say I'm enjoying it because it's pretty intensive, but it's helping me think through the plot a lot more than I ever have. It's a little strange for me to be thinking at this point about why my heroine is at the battlefield just after Culloden, and how logistically she could help the widows and orphans in the aftermath without her family finding out. I'm looking at it as getting through the hard part early so I can just write when I'm done. The other good thing is that when I have ideas I can start a snowflake and build on it while I'm writing other things. That should help with productivity in the future.

The other thing I need to do is start editing Hope. I signed up for a paid crit at the conference, so I'll have a deadline! A real deadline! Not sure exactly when it will be yet, but I need to get to work on that.

Clutter: I have started getting the house back in shape for company. Two graduations in two months is something I'm super glad I don't have to do every year! I should have more to report next week.

Health: Frustrated. I gained half a pound despite increasing my exercise. I know, it's only half a pound, and that's to be expected from time to time. It's totally normal. I'm just so close to the goal. Three more stinking pounds. I just want them gone so I can go on maintenance for a while. I have thought about going on maintenance for a couple of weeks and starting back a little earlier so I can lost a preemptive couple of pounds before the conference.

I do need to contact my doctor about getting my vitamin D levels checked again. I finished my prescription a few weeks ago and have been trying to get out in the sun more, but I still find myself fresh out of give a crap sometimes. Not as much as I did over the winter, but it seems like it should be gone by now, especially since I'm now getting regular exercise, eating better, and getting plenty of sleep. Maybe it's the ADD and my age, and that's just how it's going to be.

Misc: Jeli is a week post-op and is feeling so much better. She dive-bombed Ryan from the top of the cat tree last week. Oh, and Eric and I went to the St. Andrew (Scottish) Society social last week and had a great time. Nice to have a real date (dinner, drinks, AND dessert, which is maybe why I gained that half pound), and we made some new friends. I think we're going to join the group. They're pretty active in educating people about the Scottish culture and doing community work.

So, having gotten all this down on "paper" I see it wasn't as blah a week as I thought it was, and I have a clearer picture of what I need to be working on. I'm glad I posted today.


Jean said...

It's nice how taking the time to lay out the status of our goals helps us move ahead as well as realize we actually did something toward what we wanted to accomplish.

I'm glad Jeli is back to her usual feisty self.

Tammy Jones said...

Sounds like you're making good, steady progress overall. Isn't it funny how the kids 'forget' such important things like allen wrenches or other vital parts? Mine does that too, btw. lol

Those pesky last few pounds will shake themselves loose, just keep at it! {{huggs}}

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