Monday, June 13, 2011

4 Metrics

I really don't have a lot to report. Still not writing - but I'll get on 750 words with Jean tomorrow. I WILL, dangit! - but the house is pretty much ready to go. Bill's still painting in the basement, and I need to detail the kitchen again, but otherwise the house looks sweet, especially the bathroom.

Been struggling with depression and stress. Weight is holding within one pound of steady - down about 7 lbs since all this erupted in March.

Laura and I took a walk tonight, the first in quite a while. It wasn't as long as y'all are doing - just down the street, around the corner, along the roads outside of the park, and back again, maybe half a mile or so, all together - but it was good to do.

I'm still not sleeping well, between stress and uncertainty and my problematic sinuses, but hoping as we finish up work on the house it'll settle down again.

Otherwise, we're all fine here. :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Don't worry about what you're not getting done. Focus on how far you have come. Right now your job is to get past the depression and stress. You have a lot on your plate. The steady weight and short walks are a good thing. Hang in there. It will get better. {{hugs}}

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