Saturday, June 18, 2011

Week 24

We're 24 weeks into 2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   I've been hard at work on Lesson 12 of HTRYN.  I posted separately and don't have anything to update, but this is an important lesson that will take me several weeks to finish, I believe. I've written at least my 750 words seven of seven days.  My streak is up to nine.  After Holly's experience with Facebook, being hacked, and FB shutting her account down as if she posted that junk, I realized I needed to get my 750words login off the Facebook login.  I inquired what it would take, and they've moved me to my Yahoo login.  (I wanted to know now, because I expected I might have to just delete that account and start over, and I wanted to do it before I got my streak built back up again.)  I'm just waiting for my patronage to get transferred, then I'll be deleting the Facebook 750words account.

Lesson to keep in mind -- don't have multiple logins dependent upon one source.  If that source disappears or you get locked out of it, you lose all the other stuff.  It hadn't caused any problems for me yet, but I didn't want it to.  Unfortunately, all the login methods for 750words seem to be dependent upon another source, but Yahoo has been reliable for me for 14 years now.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I've done the bare minimum.

- The dogs had a great time at the resort.  When I picked them up on Monday morning, they were both out in the big fenced yard playing with three other labs who were being boarded, too.  Well, Dazzle was just trucking along the fence, but she was out and moving.  Millie was running and so were the labs -- they all seemed to be having a great time.
- The cats ran mildly amok.  The curtains on one of the kitchen doors were pulled down (it's a metal door, and they are on magnetic holders, so they're easy to put back up).
- I've found Dazzle lying down with her head up more this week than in recent weeks.  She's been a little more restless.  I put her outside this morning while I cleaned her room (I pick up the rubber mats, take them outside, hose them down and let them dry in the sun and mop her floor with a bleach and water mixture).  By the time the outside temperature reached 90, her room was ready, so I brought everything back in and set it up for her.  She was up and walking around, so I walked her around the yard a few times and brought her into the cool.  We're at 103 now, so she's been in comfort from mid-morning on.  
- Yesterday morning, I heard a horn honking in the driveway, and it was the mailman.  I opened the door, and he yelled, "Millie's off her chain!"  He pointed me in the direction she'd gone.  I thanked him and went for the truck (she will only come to the truck).  I drove around the block and picked her up across the street from the house.  She got to ride 100 feet in the truck, but she was happy with that.

- I dug sticker burs and mowed the lawn this week.
- I watered the yard
- I bought curtains for the bedrooms last week and hung them this week.  I didn't tell hubby, so he may be happy when he gets back on Tuesday.  I wanted to make sure I liked them before having to hear him grouse.  I'm calling them long-term temporary, because I'm sure he has something in mind that he'd prefer to what I found at Walmart, but we're no where near ready to deal with that.  (Anytime I suggest something for the house that doesn't fit the picture he has in his mind, it gets poo-pooed.  Lucky for him I'm not super particular.  Or maybe it's lucky for me.  Grin.)
- We made a run to the ranch last Monday and put down some more road fill.  Naturally, I brushed something that doesn't agree with me, and I'm itchy all over again.

- Pretty light workout week, but I've gotten some stuff done.
- I gained 1.4 pounds this week.  Not too surprising, since I've had a couple of good loss weeks.  I figure it's a normal part of the pattern. 
- I added 19.74 miles to Walk Across Texas.


Wendy said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good week. I'm so glad Dazzle is feeling better. I guess the kittens are used to her by now? Is Lady still dragging wet sponges around the house?

Tammy Jones said...

Wow. You're sure busy! Sounds like a great week. {{Huggs}}

Jean said...

I've hidden the sponge (actually, threw this one away, but I'll be getting a new one out and hiding it under the sink shortly). Now they're dragging stuff off my nightstand, off the table, off the counter -- you name it. I'll hear something clatter on the floor and chase them down to take it away from them, and I'll find a pen, a pencil, an electrical plug safety cap, the dishtowel, socks, you name, they find it and haul it around.

I think Lady gained a pound when we left them home alone last weekend. She looks larger and feels more solid. She's still smaller than all the other cats, though.

Dazzle's holding her own. She feels heavier when I carry her up and down the steps, so she's getting a little of her weight back. She's been a little restless the last couple of days, and I'm not sure what to make of that.

I bought two pair of the next size smaller shorts this week, and I sort of wonder if I should have gone down two sizes to get me through the summer. They are fitting just right to a little loose, so I guess I'll just cinch them up with the belt if necessary.

Despite gaining the 1.4 pounds, I lost half an inch in my thighs (everything else stayed the same).

Tammy Jones said...

That all sounds super, Jean! Well, other than the cats creating messes, of course. ;)

Here, it's Baby Bunny Season. And it's brutal out there. ;)

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