Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Sunday

This week we had at least a semblance of routine, and I wasn't quite sure how to react to it!

Writing: I did! A little, anyway. I got the first 1200 words of Honor, and all three of my main characters have been introduced. So far I'm even sticking to the outline, but I expect someone will go off on a tangent. After all, I didn't know until Thursday that the two guys were old school friends before they joined the Army, even though one is now the other's commander. I love that about writing.

Clutter: Erm, no. Have to get back to work on that. Company coming again in a few weeks.

Health: Down another half pound. At that rate I should hit my goal the middle of July, and then I'm going on maintenance until September 1, at which point I will decide if I want to go down 5-10 more pounds. My current goal is near the top end of where I want to be, so I probably will, but I'm not thinking about that right now. This last 5 pounds is enough to deal with.

Misc: Jeli goes to the vet on Thursday. Finally. Eric is out of town on business for a few days starting tomorrow. I'm working all next weekend. I think that about covers it.


Jean said...

Yay for the half pound! (That's like three pounds -- or more -- for Eric and me.) Your plan sounds like a keeper.

I read the punctuation all wrong on the last paragraph. My brain read it like: "Jeli goes to the vet on Thursday. Finally, Eric is out of town on business for a few days starting tomorrow."

No, that's not the way it's punctuated, but that's the way my brain read it. :)

I made decluttering for 15 minutes 3 times a week one of my Health Month rules this month. Not doing well so far!

Tammy Jones said...

All in all, it sounds great!! {{huggs}}

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