Saturday, June 18, 2011


It's that time of the week again. ;)

All in all, about 2000 words of fiction this week, most posted here. Was nice to write again.

No new declinations for M. Still sitting at 5, and Kensington has had it a while (not sure who else) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's very encouraging yet frustrating that all of the editors have enjoyed the book and/or my writing, but couldn't buy it. It'll find a home, somewhere. 

Posty Office officially released the compiled data from the public meeting and all that mess, so in about 30 days we should have a definitive answer of if they'll close (already almost certain) and when the final date will be (probably 60 days after the definitive answer. As I know more, I'll post more, but we're likely relocating in September sometime. Still no real idea where, but Bill has volunteered to go to Rochester, MN, if they have an open job he's qualified for.

We're really hoping for Rochester.

Laura's still vomiting, but not as much, and all in all is doing really well. She looks awesome - got that 'glow' thing going on, I think, and she's taking a couple of classes at the community college starting July 5. VERY good news there.

My mood's been rather blue. Spent a lot of Friday crying. I really don't want to move and I'm still super overwhelmed.

Other than re-detail cleaning the kitchen and a few little things (like touch-up painting some scuffed-off spots on the moulding) the house is DONE. We've been on the market a bit over a week now, but have had no showings. Rather aggravating, but our Realtor's office is coming through for a tour on Tuesday. Hopefully that'll help. As much as I don't want to move, I DO want the house sold and all this done so I can quit fretting over it, if that makes any sense. 

Down a bit more, but not much. Holding steady at 7.4 lbs down from where I was in mid March, when all this started. I really, REALLY need to exercise, but I am having a hard time feeling motivated. For once in my life I'm not stress-eating, it's more food avoidance, which is weird for me, but I guess it's okay, all in all. Bill and I talked about me going on Weight Watchers like you guys, but I just can't fathom adding One. More. Thing. to my already cramped and stressy brain. But I dunno. 

Got my one-year-post-lasik exam yesterday and everything looks great. I have 'weak' 20/20 in my right eye and am .5 diopter toward near-sighted in my left eye, too small of deviations to need glasses or more corrective surgery. All in all, I see pretty well, but things aren't quite as 'crisp' as I'd love (a bit 'smeary', especially if the light's low or if I'm tired), but I'm totally functional in my regular life and only need my reading glasses for reading small print, like on my vitamin bottles.  All in all, it's pretty good. 

Tuesday, I'm seeing a dermatologist about my stooopid Rosacea. Not holding out much hope for good news there, it's almost certainly an exercise in futility, but the redness, stinging skin, and bumpiness are really bugging me, so I'm going in. She's a new doc for me, and maybe, just maybe, she'll have an idea that might help.

Been trying to take my vitamins regularly, but I hate taking pills, so it's a struggle. 

Woke up this morning with a head cold and sore throat. Sigh.

Everything Else
Went to Des Moines today to visit with some extended family who were visiting from Oklahoma. Was great to see them and other local relatives I haven't seen in a while. 

Mostly things are going all right, just waiting for the big change that's coming. 


Jean said...

The unknown is the most frustrating thing sometimes.

I managed to snag a dermatology appointment for late July. I seem to have a psoriasis problem on my scalp, and walking around shedding huge slabs of skin from my scalp is, well, gross and uncomfortable.

The lack of sharpness of vision is what I am most frustrated with from my PRK. Yes, I'm still 20/20 six years later with a greater need every year for my reading and computer bifocals. But there's that intangible "fog" that seems to always be there.

Wendy said...

{{HUGS}} for you and {{HUGS}} for Laura and Bill. Weight Watchers has been a really good move for me, but I would recommend that you wait until after you get your answers. You have enough going on right now, and it's not like your weight is threatening your health immediately. Take the exercise a little at a time. Any movement is good. Hang in there. It will get better.

Tammy Jones said...

{{huggs back}}

I get general blood work done every year - especially since my dad died of complications of diabetes - and everything has always come back perfectly normal. My good/bad cholesterol numbers were off a bit a few years back (to borderline status), but the overall number was all right, so the doc said just to kinda watch what I eat (which I try to do) and exercise (which I suck at). That was just one time, and it's always been fine before or since. So, yeah, other than generally being fat and tired and perimenopausal (and my chronically stupid rosacea and sinuses, neither of which are more than a nuisance) I have no health issues to speak of. Which is good. Just too dang much on my plate and zero desire to deal with it. lol

I really should try to write today. ;) {{huggs}}

Jean said...

I'd agree with Wendy. If you're not absolutely certain WW is what you want to do, wait until some of this stuff settles down and gets resolved. It'll be there when you're ready. You have enough on your plate at the moment, and you are holding your own health-wise. And, hey, you're still down 7+ from when this all started, so I'd say you're doing ok.

If you and Laura do some walking together, it will help her stay healthy and strong, and you two can yak about stuff as you go (if you want), building on your already good relationship. Same for you and Bill if you're so inclined.

Most of my exercise comes from working around the house and yard.

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