Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 23

We're 23 weeks into 2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   Since hubby's been back home, I haven't gotten much work done on Polar Bear on the Loose.  We're on the road this weekend, so I've been focused on other things. I've written at least my 750 words six of seven days.  As some of you noticed, I missed writing on Thursday.  That broke my streak at, I believe, 359 days.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I've done the bare minimum.

- The dogs are at the resort this weekend, and the cats are probably running amok at the house.

- I think I did something this week.  Can't really remember.

- Pretty light workout week, but I've gotten some stuff done.
- I am at 35 pounds lost on the WW program.  
- I'll add 18.77 miles to Walk Across Texas when I get back to the main machine.


Tammy Jones said...

{{HUGGGS}}} You don't sound very happy. {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Wow! 35 pounds. How cool!

And congrats on the run on 750 words! I'm impressed by it. I know you're probably disappointed by the break in the run, but really, it's amazing what you've done.

Amok and cats are words that go together naturally. :)

Wendy said...

I hope it was short because you're having a wonderful time traveling. I especially loved the property update!

Jean said...

Sorry, Tam. I'm pretty happy, but it was the traveling that probably made it sound not so great.
We had a good visit with the "kids." (The "kids" are adults a few years younger than me, so they're not too awful kid like except, of course, that they're our, er, hubby's kids.)

Stephen, you are so very correct about cats and amok. When we're home, I can pick up after them more quickly. They'd pulled two curtains down (one is held up by magnets on the back door and the other by a tension rod, so it's an easy fix), pretty much filled up the litter boxes, and emptied the food tower. Four days is as long as we'll leave them because of this. Thankfully, we restricted them to two rooms, and that does minimize damage. Despite dragging a sock through the water dish, they still had plenty (Lady had brought a sock downstairs with her the morning we left, and I didn't take it away from her).

Just last week I was ruminating on what it would be like to break the 750words streak after doing it for so long. It's almost overwhelming, because it takes so long to get the streak that breaking it can be very demoralizing. It really hurt that I was six days from my Pegasus badge (365 days), I'll just have to start over again.

SBB said...

When you start again, Jean, let me know. I think I'd like to look into using 750words along with ya.

Jean said...

Stephen, I started again right away, but it's a great time for you to join me if you want! I just got my turkey back -- only three days back into it, so you're not missing a thing. We can cheer one another on together. Wendy plays sometimes. Tam tried it, but I don't think it was for her (but feel free to play anytime you like, Tammy!).

Tammy Jones said...

Tam really needs to get back to the routine of writing *something*. I haven't done anything for almost three months.

Jean said...

Well, leap on into the pool. I mostly write nonsense -- comments on what's going on in my world. Thoughts about things on my mind. Sometimes story stuff but mostly just drivel.

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