Saturday, June 11, 2011

A happy second

I actually intended to post early this morn and beat Jean to the punch. But once again, she wins a race with me that she didn’t even know she was running! Jean’s a winner in all things, but I’m trying for a happy second now. Also, I have to post, or I'll have a mother hen from hell after me. (I've been warned this will happen.) So here's my latest update.

Writing: not much to tell here. I have mostly been working on getting reviews on for Floozy and Other Stories. Reviews help your books sell, or so they say. I never actually met anyone who bought my books based on the reviews, but I rarely meet the people who purchase the books through online retailers. I have seven great reviews, and I would like to have 10. I have also been attempting to fix the problems in Murder by the Mile. I have several chapters in Murder by the Mile that have turned out nicely. Unfortunately, they're surrounded by chapters that aren't so good. I truly think this is what happens when I attempt to write a book without an outline. I don't intend to make that mistake again.

Health: I've been walking as often as I can fit it in, and I've been attempting to walk 2 miles when I do walk. Sometimes I can only fit in one mile, but I’ve noticed one mile doesn't give me the workout that I need. In a couple weeks I have to see the doctor again about getting my diabetes medication prescription refilled.

Job search: No joy here yet, but I did take another course at the local technology center. It was Intermediate Excel. I didn't do as good this time. We rapidly got over my head. I had to ask for help several times. I think the instructor was somewhat frustrated at me, but when I stopped asking, other people started asking questions. Although I had taken the beginning Excel class, the material and instructor assumed more familiarity with the material than I had. Still, I got my certificate for taking the class and can add it to my ever growing resume. My resume, by the way, may be my finest writing. I see a time in the future when it will hang in a museum, and people will come from around the world to marvel at its simple, clean beauty.

Outside: Been working on my pool a lot. It’s a stinkin’ green mess, but it’s slowly getting better. I’m hoping to have it clean and sparkling by next weekend.

Writing again: Tomorrow I start writing in earnest again. I’m decided to not let depression and health issue totally derail my dreams. I have no plans other than being at my computer early tomorrow and working on either Murder by the Mile or Debt Free At Last! A Beginner’s Guide to Money Management. Or maybe something else as the spirit moves me, but so help me Josephine, I will be writing!

And that’s what’s going on in my life.


Wendy said...

I'm right there with you on the outline thing. I just picked up the Snowflake Method software, so I'll let you know how it works out. Even traditional outlining isn't a failsafe for me.

What did you do (or not do) to your pool to turn it green and stinky? That doesn't sound like much fun.

Good job on the walking. On the days you can't do 2 miles, can you do one mile twice?

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Bauk!

Tammy Jones said...

We're all different. Outlining messes me up and I'm much better off winging it. {{huggs}} To me, one daily mile sounds awesome, and two is mind boggling. That's GREAT!!

Sorry you had such a lackluster week overall. Hang in there. {{hugg}}

Jean said...

I'm mixed on the benefits of outlining, but I'm a big fan of doing whatever works best for you. Well, I thoroughly understand the benefits of outlining, but I'm not sure it's always the best way for me to go. On the other hand, maybe it is, and I'm just resisting assimilation by the BORG.

Stephen, two miles -- or one to two miles -- is awesome! I can remember (not too long ago!) when even getting to a mile seemed impossible. Then you got to a mile, and it was so very hard. Now you're shooting for two miles, and you're not even complaining about it. That is SOOOOO wonderful! You've come a long way, Baby!

SBB said...

Wendy, my pool was put up too early when we were in drought conditions. And then the rains came. Lots of algae and neglect made it into a pond, and not a particularly pretty pond, either. But it's getting better.

Tammy, I only outline my mysteries because there's so many clues that I have to get in there. But in this one, I didn't (it was a NANO book) and now I'm paying for it. And thanks for the {{hugs}}!

Thanks, Jean. I forget that at times. It's too easy to look to where I want to be -- and how far that is from where I'm at -- rather than reminding myself how far I've come.

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