Sunday, September 30, 2012

3/4 done with the year. How is that possible?!?

Nothing much has changed here other than SPORE's word counts are climbing. I'm nearing the 85/90% mark and I think I have about 12k to go, and it'll be DONE.

I can see the end!! YAY!!

Then I have to tighten, proofread, revise, get pre-reader input... y'all know the drill, so it's not done-done, but at least the first draft is closing in. :)

I was down about 2.5 lbs at Weight Watchers this past week, but I think I'll do better this coming week's weigh-in as long as I avoid pasta the day or two before. Pasta always makes me bloaty - I'm a bit gluten sensitive. But, still, that's pretty good. As of this morning, I was one pound from the lowest I've been since we lived up here. So that's good, too. What's even better is I went out to get some new shirts - my wintery wardrobe is simply too big and, frankly, old and ragged - and about half of what I bought came from the 'regular sizes' section of the store. How cool is that?!?!

Bill and I saw LOOPER today (it's a Sci-Fi Time Travel Hired Killers kinda movie) and we liked it quite a lot. :) Two thumbs up from the Jones'!

That's it for me. Have a great week, everyone!


Wendy said...

Oh, yeah, for WW success! And Spore progress. And new clothes! It's good to hear you sounding positive now that summer is over.

SBB said...

Hurrah for Spore! And hurrah for the weight loss! And hurrah for the movie! :)

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